Purac will supply high performance lactides into Asian biopolymer market.

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Beleggingsadvies 21/05/2013 07:34
Purac, a subsidiary of CSM, has signed a long term supply contract for the delivery of up to 10,000 tons annually of PURALACT® lactides to a customer in Asia. PURALACT® lactides will be polymerized into high heat polylactic acid (PLA), a bioplastic made from annually renewable resources.
Commercial production of the partner’s production facility is expected to start in the second half of 2014, but material for sampling and testing will be available shortly. The supply agreement for high optical purity lactides will enable Purac’s partner to produce a range of high performance PLA homopolymers.
The target market for the partner’s PLA is Asia, with a focus on high heat PLA for durable and demanding applications, such as automotive and electronics parts.
Further to the supply agreement, Purac and its partner have signed a joint development agreement where Purac’s know-how in the area of high performance PLA will be combined with the partner’s market access and application knowledge to further accelerate the commercialization of PLA compounds for injection molding and extrusion purposes.


Purac, een dochteronderneming van CSM, heeft een lange termijn leveringscontract voor de levering van maximaal ondertekend tot 10.000
ton per jaar van PURALACT ® lactides aan een klant in Azië. PURALACT ® lactides zal zijn gepolymeriseerd tot hoog vuur polymelkzuur (PLA), een bioplastic gemaakt van jaarlijks hernieuwbare middelen.
Commerciële productie van de partner productie faciliteit zal naar verwachting starten in de tweede helft van 2014, maar materiaal voor het bemonsteren en onderzoeken zullen binnenkort beschikbaar zijn. De leveringsovereenkomst voor hoge optische zuiverheid lactides zal Purac's partner in staat te stellen een reeks van high performance PLA produceren homopolymeren.
De doelmarkt voor PLA van de partner is Azië, met een focus op hoog vuur PLA voor duurzame en veeleisende toepassingen, zoals auto-en elektronica-onderdelen.
Naar aanleiding van de leveringsovereenkomst, hebben Purac en zijn partner een gezamenlijke ontwikkeling overeenkomst ondertekend
waar Purac's know-how op het gebied van high performance PLA zal worden gecombineerd met de partner markttoegang en applicatiekennis op de commercialisering van PLA verder te versnellen samenstellingen voor het spuitgieten en extrusie doeleinden.

reactie XEA.nl
Een goed bericht en zowaar een PB tje.

Maar dat zal wel met de keuze verhouding van het contante dividend te maken hebben. Dan minder aandelen voor je keuze bij een goed bericht. Wijs van het management.

Dit zal
Indorama Ventures zijn, want wij (XEA.nl) hebben in de AVA van 3 juni j.l. daar vragen over gesteld. Toen werd er gezegd dat alles goed op schema lag, maar in eerder berichten gaven ze aan dat de "eerste" leveringen aanstaande waren.

Asia Plus Securities January 18, 2013 3:33 pm
Revise up recommendation to "BUY"

Indorama Ventures Plc (IVL)

China's polyester demand rises, boosting polyester price
We hold more positive prospect toward IVL's polyester business in 2013 due to PET and PTA prices that have improved after hitting the record low in 3Q12. This is in line with the overall outlook of global economy that has recovered from the record low, especially China who is the main petrochemical product consumer of Asia.

Accordingly, the demand for polyester products is projected to increase and help ease excessive production capacity. Moreover, the cotton price in the US's future market ha risen continuously to 77.78 cent/pound, hitting the record high in the past 12 weeks which is a result of cotton that tends to be imported more from China. For the US's cotton production (world's 3rd major cotton producer), it has declined from our previous prospect because of uncompromising weather. Furthermore, some
entrepreneurs have turned to cultivate other kinds of agricultural plants with more promising yield instead; for example, soybean meal. Accordingly, the cotton supply in the US has fallen, benefiting prices of polyester products which are substitute products (IVL aims for 15% of revenue from polyester fiber business). Overall, the spread of PET-PTA and PTA-PX products in 2013 is projected to increase to US$231 and US$129 respectively which is a normal level, growing by 11.59% YoY and 15.1% YoY respectively. In addition, the company's new production capacities would be recognized gradually in 2013 (as illustrated on the following page), driving the total production capacity in 2013 by 18% YoY. We're convinced that IVL's 2013 net profit would return to grow outstandingly once again, rising significantly by 46% YoY.
Q4 2012 profit under pressure from low spread, as already projected IVL's 4Q12 operating result tends to still stabilize at a low level from the prior quarter, as mentioned earlier. The profit from main operation (EBITDA) is projected to stand at B3.55bn, stabilizing at a low level from previous quarter due mainly to the following reasons. 1) The total production in 4Q12 is projected at 1.37 million tons or 3% QoQ decrease. 2) IVL's spread of polyester prices (both PET and polyester fiber, together with PTA's midstream raw material) still hasn't recovered, especially the spread of PET in Asia that has weakened continuously due to oversupply problem. Nevertheless, the spread of MEG in the US that has slightly increased (benefiting IVL's MEG in the US, considered 10% of the company's total production capacity) would partially help offset the weakness of polyester products. Overall, the company's 4Q12 net profit is projected to stand at B1bn, stabilizing close to one of the preceding quarter. However, our forecast still hasn't included the possibility that IVL might recognize US$40m of insurance compensation from the flood. This is because this item is still unclear whether it would arrive in 4Q12 or in 1Q13, considered upside that's not included.
Revise up recommendation to "BUY"… share price tends to turnaround aggressively
We revise up our recommendation to "BUY". After revising up IVL's terminal growth to 6% (from 5% p.a.), the new fair value, using DCF, at end-2013 stands at B31 (from B26.50). We believe that the share price would return to outperform the market in 3 months ahead due to the support from the company's operating result that is likely to turnaround once again. For the current issue about Baht appreciation, IVL would be affected very limitedly. Although most of revenue is in a form of international currencies (mainly USD), most cost of production and debt are also in the same form, which is considered natural hedging from risks of Baht appreciation.

Purac Leading in natural food preservation and biobased building blocks.
From Biobased Polymer to Bioplastic 2013 Brussels, Belgium. 28 - 29 May 2013
The amount of scientific and technical efforts directed toward the conversion of biobased materials into usable plastics or composites is continuously increasing along with the industrial and market expectations. Successful applications have already demonstrated the great potential of bioplastics and biocomposites. The conference aims at looking at the new developments and opportunities, but also at the main issues remaining on the way to a greater success.
Francois de Bie, Global Marketing Director Purac Bioplastics, will present on:
Biobased PLA: the heat is on!
A biobased replacement for PS, PET and PP in high temperature applications
Register for the conference by completing this form and mailing it to conference@certech.be.

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