Twee berichten van Basf, waarvan 1 samenwerking met CSM

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Beleggingsadvies 24/02/2011 15:35
Onderstaande berichten intresseren ons van de redactie bijzonder.
In de AVA van april 2010 kwam van de vertegenwoordiger van de VEB de vraag over de vervaardiging en aanlevering grondstoffen voor afbreekbare Plastics (PLA): hoe denkt CSM aan de bevoorradig van de vraag te voldoen? Er wordt nu wel een nieuwe fabriek in Thailand bijgebouwd, maar is dat dan wel voldoende?

Daar kwam het verrassende antwoord van de CEO Hoetmer, wij denken aan de bouw van zo'n 20-tal fabrieken, dicht bij de plaats waar het nodig is en waar grondstoffen voor die vervaardiging aanwezig zijn. Dat kunnen allerlei grondstoffen zijn, zelfs "afvalstoffen"!

Door de zaal ging een golf van verbazing.
Nu de 2 berichten.

30 sept. 2009
BASF and CSM announce joint production development of biobased Succinic Acid
BASF SE and CSM nv today announced the cooperation between their respective
subsidiaries BASF Future Business GmbH and PURAC for the development of the
production of biobased succinic acid. Both partners have been working on the
development of the industrial fermentation and down-stream processing of biobased succinic acid and will start production of commercial quality and volumes in the second quarter of 2010. (toevoeging van op de vraag hoe de status was in 't 3e kw. 2010, kwam het antwoord, er is wat vertraging ontstaan, maar de totale planning ligt nog op schema).
BASF Future Business and PURAC form a strong partnership by combining their
respective strengths in the technology development and application of biobased
succinic acid. BASF is a global leader in intermediates, chemical building blocks and polymers. PURAC is the world leading producer of lactic acid and lactides from renewable feedstocks.
Using a fully equipped fermentation and down stream purification plant the partners will demonstrate the economical production of succinic acid on industrial scale using a highly innovative route on the basis of renewable substrate. In addition, the greenhouse gas CO2 will be used as a raw material and fixed during the highly efficient fermentation process, contributing further to sustainable development.
Biobased succinic acid will be applied as a monomeric building block in a variety of biopolymers, e.g. biodegradable polyesters. Furthermore, low cost succinic acid has high potential as a platform chemical and its downstream products. Both companies will work together in order to achieve manufacturing cost levels making biobased succinic acid competitive for a wide variety of novel applications.
“We are happy to partner with PURAC, the world leader of lactic acid production and an expert in fermentation and purification of biobased chemicals” said Dr. Thomas Weber, Managing Director of BASF Future Business GmbH. “Combining our competencies, we open the door to make biobased succinic acid a success story.”
“Through this biobased succinic acid collaboration we aim to add an important new monomeric building block to PURAC next to our lactide products” says Gerard
Hoetmer, Chief Executive Officer of CSM. “This partnership has great potential because it leverages the combined strengths of two leading companies in their fields.”

Nu het 2de bericht.
BASF starts operations at expanded Ecoflex plant
2011-02-01 P-11-139
Production capacity for biodegradable plastics increases by 60,000 metric tons per year Production of plastics based on renewable raw materials also rises BASF expects significant market growth for biodegradable plastics through 2020

Ludwigshafen , Germany – February 1, 2011 – BASF has started operations at its expanded plant for the production of the biodegradable plastic Ecoflex®. Expansion of the existing plant in Ludwigshafen will increase production capacity for Ecoflex from 14,000 to 74,000 metric tons per year. At the same time, BASF will ramp up compounding capacity for Ecovio®, a derivative of Ecoflex.

“We are already successful in the market with our biodegradable polyester Ecoflex and the related innovation, Ecovio. The larger production capacities will enhance our position significantly,” said Dr. Wolfgang Hapke, president of BASF’s Performance Polymers division. “The capacity expansion will also enable us to respond even more effectively to our customers’ wishes.”

Ecoflex is a plastic that has the properties of conventional polyethylene but is fully biodegradable under industrial composting conditions in accordance with DIN EN 13432. Ecovio is a derivative of Ecoflex that is also biodegradable and that contains up to 75 percent renewable raw materials. Typical applications are shopping bags, organic waste bags, mulch films for agricultural applications, and food packaging. One of the latest innovations is Ecovio FS Paper, which is used to provide a biodegradable waterproof coating on the interior surfaces of paper cups and cardboard containers.

With Ecovio and Ecoflex, BASF is already one of the world’s leading suppliers of biobased and biodegradable plastics. Both of these properties are increasingly in demand, and the market for biodegradable and biobased plastics is currently growing by more than 20 percent per year.
Information for journalists:

Press photos are available at,
keyword “Plastics” or search term “Ecoflex.” This text and the photo will be available shortly in BASF’s plastics archives at

Wie is BASF?
About BASF
BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and agricultural products to oil and gas. As a reliable partner BASF creates chemistry to help its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF posted sales of about €63.9 billion in 2010 and had approximately 109,000 employees as of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at or in its Social Media Newsroom at

Vragen die bij ons opkomen.
Sept. 2009 samenwerking met dit grote wereldwijde Concern van Purac (CSM).
. 20 fabrieken voor levering grondstoffen voor deze exploisieve groeimarkt, afbreekbaar plastics (PLA).
. Basf gaat uitbreiden van 14.000 ton Ecoflex naar 74.000 ton.
Gaat dat met knowhow van Purac totaal of gedeeltelijk.
. Waarom werden bij de presentatie (uitstekende cijfers 2010) van CSM, de vragen over samenwerking Basf kort of nauwelijks duidelijk geantwoord?
. Waar betaald CSM de boeu van de 20 Fabriek van?
In de presentatie werd wel gezegd, dat gaan wij doen in joint ventures met plaatselijk ondernemingen.
. toch blijven wij (red. erbij, totaal gezien qua totale leveringen grondstoffen PLA, je moet NU zorgen dat die grondstoffen er zijn/komen.
. dus zal er werk in de winkel zijn voor het management van CSM omdat te
. haast is geboden, dus gaan onze gedachten uit naar o.a. Basf. Die begint ook al met de uitbreiding van grondstoffen, dat wel niet geheel afbreekbaar is en klanten willen het ter beperking van de afvalberg en Co2 uitstoot geheel afbreekbaar hebben. Dat vertelde de CEO Hoetmer ook in de toelichting.

Onze ( grote vraag is, broeit er wat, o.a. een grotere vorm van samenwerking tussen Basf en CSM.
. Gaat Basf in Purac deelnemen en gaat CSM met dat geld verschillende fabrieken financieren?

Afbreekbaar Plastics is "hot" en Purac is wereldmarktleider op dat gebied. Voor een 5 jaar geleden was dat ca. 70-80% (tax Want rond 2000 was dat 80% en er zullen nieuwe producenten zijn bijgekomen.

Wij hebben al vaker op de grote kansen van CSM dochter Purac gewezen en die kansen worden alleen maar groter.
Laat die je als belegger niet voorbij gaan.

tijd 16.13 24 febr.
de Midcap 630,14 -0,69% en CSM EUR 26,17 +17,5ct en 300.000 omzet.

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