Cargill Recognized for Excellence in Food Safety; Secures Two Recognitions at CII Food Safety Awards 2023

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Overig advies 04/02/2024 08:55
National, February 1, 2024: Cargill, a leading global food and agriculture company, has been conferred with two recognitions for ‘Significant Achievement in Food Safety’ at the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Food Safety Awards 2023, for its commitment towards best-in-class food safety practices in India.

The 14th edition of the CII Food Safety Award ceremony took place on January 31, 2024, Cargill Recognized for Excellence in Food Safetywhere Cargill’s food safety initiatives were recognised in two award categories:

Large Manufacturing Food Businesses: Fats and Oils – Kurkumbh plant, Maharashtra
Large Manufacturing Food Business: Sweeteners – Davangere plant, Karnataka
The CII Food Safety Award is a respected industry platform benchmarking food safety best practices in manufacturing across the supply chain. The evaluation criteria for the award covers company performance on stringent domestic food safety standards, leadership initiatives, besides social and statutory compliances. Winners are selected following a rigorous assessment process that also includes onsite evaluation of food safety practices by a team of experts.

Simon George, President of Cargill India, and Managing Director, Food Solutions South Asia, said, “At Cargill, we are committed to providing safe and quality products. We invest in advanced manufacturing and refining equipment and processes, to ensure compliance to the highest standards of food safety regulations in the country. Our customers and consumers count on us to ensure the safety and quality of our products. This award is a great validation of the progress we have made in our food safety performance over recent years. As we move ahead, we continue to set a higher benchmark for ourselves in this important area.” see & read more on

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