Resultaten BNP. 2023

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Overig advies 01/02/2024 08:48
Solid performance creating value for all its stakeholders

Distributable Net Income 1 of €11,232m (+10.2% vs. 2022 reported), in
line with the 2023 objective
2023 Net Income, Group share reported: €10,975m
Revenue growth1, positive jaws effect1, and low cost of risk
18% increase in net earnings per share2 (€9.21), boosted by 2023 share buyback programme, and 60% shareholder return3
2023 dividend: €4.60 in cash 4, up by 18% compared to 2022
€1.05bn share buyback programme in 20244
Solid financial structure (13.2%5 CET1 ratio, +90 bps vs. 31.12.22)
Redeployment of capital well underway, with a disciplined approach

Acceleration in financing low-carbon energies
Widespread adoption of AI and gearing up on generative AI

On the strength of its diversified, integrated and scaled-up model,
and thanks to the mobilisation and strong commitment of the teams at the
service of clients, BNP Paribas will continue to grow faster than its
underlying economy

1. Based on distributable Net Income serving as the basis for calculating the 2023 distribution and reflecting the Group’s intrinsic performance post impact of the sale of Bank of the West and post contribution to the ramp-up of the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) and excluding extraordinary items as detailed on slide 11 of the 2023 results presentation Variations calculated on this basis; 2. Distributable earnings per share at end of period; 3. After taking remuneration of TSSDI (undated super-subordinated notes) into account; 4. Subject to the approval of the General Meeting of 14 May 2024 (for the dividend) and to ECB authorisation (for the share buyback programme); 5. CRD5, including IFRS 9 transitional arrangements.

The Board of Directors of BNP Paribas met on 31 January 2024. The meeting was chaired by Jean Lemierre, and the Board examined the Group’s results for the fourth quarter 2023 and endorsed the 2023 financial statements.

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, Chief Executive Officer, stated at the end of the meeting:

“BNP Paribas achieved a very good performance in 2023 that reflects the solidity of our diversified model, the efficiency of our platforms, and the Group’s ability to continue its development in order to address the needs of its individual, corporate and institutional clients. On the strength of our teams’ mobilisation and expertise and our technological advances, BNP Paribas will continue to grow and gain market share.

2023 also featured a strong acceleration in financing the production of low-carbon energies while exiting the financing of the production of fossil fuels in order to contribute towards transitioning our economies and our societies. Alongside all our teams, whom I wish to thank for their commitment, we remain focused on our mission of supporting clients and partners on a long term basis and, more broadly, of serving the European economy.”

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