First Quantum Minerals Provides Update on Cobre Panama Operations

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Overig advies 20/11/2023 16:13
(In United States dollars, except where noted otherwise)

TORONTO, Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (“First Quantum” or “the Company”) (TSX: FM) today announced that its subsidiary, Minera Panamá S.A. (“MPSA”), has further ramped down operations at Cobre Panama to one remaining ore processing train. Without shipments arriving at the mine’s Punta Rincón port, it expects to run out of supplies for the on-site power plant during the week commencing November 20, 2023.

The ongoing presence of an illegal blockade of small boats at the Punta Rincón port continues to prevent the delivery of supplies that are necessary to operate the power plant. Local law enforcement authorities are present and continue to monitor and assess the situation in order to achieve a return to normal maritime operations. If the illegal actions continue to prevent the delivery of supplies necessary to operate the power plant, MPSA will ramp down the remaining processing train this week and temporarily halt production. The safety and well-being of the Cobre Panama workforce, of which approximately 90% are Panamanian and have been trained and developed by First Quantum, is the Company’s priority.

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