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Overig advies 16/11/2023 15:18
Revenue rose 10% and orders grew 6% in the fourth quarter on a comparable basis, excluding currency translation and portfolio effects
On a nominal basis, revenue was up 4%, at €21.4 billion, on record-high revenues in all industrial businesses, while orders came in level with the prior-year period, at €21.8 billion, for a book-to-bill ratio of 1.02
Profit Industrial Business increased 7%, to €3.4 billion, the highest quarterly level ever; the profit margin was 16.5%
Net income was €1.9 billion; for comparison, net income of €2.9 billion in Q4 FY 2022 benefited from a €1.1 billion pretax gain on the sale of the mail and parcel-handling business; corresponding basic earnings per share (EPS) were €2.17 and EPS before purchase price allocation accounting (EPS pre PPA) were €2.34
Another excellent performance in cash generation resulted in €4.6 billion of Free cash flow for the Siemens Group
In a historic operating performance for the full fiscal year, comparable revenue grew 11%, reaching the upper end of our raised guidance, and comparable orders increased 7%; on a nominal basis, revenue increased 8%, to €77.8 billion, and orders were up 4%, at €92.3 billion, for a book-to-bill-ratio of 1.19
Fiscal 2023 Profit Industrial Business grew 11% year-over-year to a record-high €11.4 billion; net income nearly doubled to a historic high of €8.5 billion, corresponding basic EPS more than doubled to €10.04, and EPS pre PPA reached €10.77; we thus exceeded our guidance with EPS pre PPA of €9.93 excluding Siemens Energy Investment, which contributed €0.84 to EPS pre PPA; Free cash flow for the Siemens Group reached a record high of €10.0 billion
Siemens proposes to increase the dividend from €4.25 a year earlier to €4.70 per share.

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Powerful finish to record fiscal year

tijd 15.22
In de DAX Siemens EUR 147,74 +*,43 vol. 823.0

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