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Overig advies 12/09/2007 10:48
Corporate Express NV organiseert op 12 en 13 september 2007 een conferentie voor analisten en beleggers in Denver, Colorado (USA). In onderstaand persbericht leest u meer over de achtergronden van deze bijeenkomst.


Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 12 September 2007 - Corporate Express is hosting a two-day analyst & investor conference in Denver (CO) on 12-13 September 2007.

Corporate Express hosts an analyst & investor conference annually to provide more detailed and in-depth understanding of parts of our business. This year focus will be on Corporate Express US (CEUS).
The conference will commence with a presentation by Floris Waller, CFO of Corporate Express NV. Jay Mutschler, president CEUS, Robert VanHees CFO CEUS, and other senior US management will also present, including Ron Lalla, executive vice president Global Merchandising, who will discuss merchandising and marketing.
Site visits to our Denver distribution centre and our Customer Experience Center are included as well.

No new material information will be disclosed during the conference. No audio web cast will be available, but presentations will be made available on our website.

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