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Overig advies 09/03/2022 08:54
Well positioned for next growth phase, entering Germany in H2 2022


Number of memberships increased by 11% to 2.22 million (2020: 2.00 million)
110 net club openings, growing the network to 1,015 clubs (up 12% year on year)
Successful launch of new in-house developed Basic-Fit app


Financial results affected by COVID-19-related temporary club closures and government restrictions
Revenue of €341 million (2020: €377 million)
Underlying EBITDA of €31.6 million (2020: €93.8 million)
Net loss €150 million (2020: €125 million)
€361 million available liquidity


First openings in H2 2022; up to 20 club openings this year
Long-term potential of 600 Basic-Fit clubs in Germany


Strong membership growth in the first couple of months of 2022; increase expected of around 400,000 memberships (18%) to 2.6 million at the end of March 2022
All COVID restrictions lifted as of 14 March; membership growth of at least 1 million in 2022
Network expected to grow to around 1,250 clubs in 2022; 66 net club openings by 9 March
2022 revenue of €800 to €850 million and around €240 million underlying EBITDA continues to be feasible

‘After a second year dominated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, we ended 2021 in good shape; we increased our network by 110 clubs to a total of 1,015 and ended the year in a strong financial position to support our accelerated growth ambitions.

During the year, the governments in our countries of operation increasingly recognised the importance of fitness. As a result, we were able to keep our clubs open in most countries, even when contamination and hospitalisation rates increased during the latter part of 2021. This is great progress in my view compared to the situation in 2020 and the start of 2021.

When we reopened our clubs in May and June, we registered a record number of joiners, further reinforcing our view that fitness meets the important need of staying healthy. We see a bright future for value-for-money fitness and the Basic-Fit proposition in particular. In November, we announced our intention of accelerating club openings to 200 to 300 a year, with the aim of growing to 2,000 clubs by 2025 and between 3,000 and 3,500 clubs by 2030. In the second quarter of 2022, we will start with the construction of the first clubs in Germany and expect to open the first ones in the second half of this year. In total, we expect to be able to open 600 clubs in Germany in the coming years.

Year to date, we opened 66 clubs and are on track to grow our network to 1,250 clubs this year. We expect to grow the number of memberships by at least 1 million following a strong development in January and February and an even stronger first eight days in March, triggered by the lifting of health pass restrictions. All in all, 2022 promises to be a year of recovery and growth.’

tijd 09.08
Basic Fit EUR 37.76 +2.06 vol. 6.321
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