OctoPlus publiceert Jaarverslag 2008 en herhaalt nieuwe strategie voor 2009

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Overig advies 30/03/2009 07:55
Het Nederlandse biofarmaceutische bedrijf OctoPlus N.V. ("OctoPlus" of de "Onderneming") (Euronext: OCTO) publiceert vandaag zijn Jaarverslag 2008.

Gedurende het jaar 2008 paste OctoPlus zijn strategie aan waardoor nu de gepatenteerde technologie voor een groeiend aantal klanten wordt gebruikt ten behoeve van de ontwikkeling van langerwerkende formuleringen van medicijnen, voornamelijk eiwitten, die met een injectie worden toegediend. Met het belangrijkste product dat op deze technologie is gebaseerd, Locteron®, zal dit jaar een klinisch Fase IIb onderzoek starten. In 2008 werkte OctoPlus aan vijf projecten waarin de haalbaarheid werd onderzocht van een langerwerkende formulering waarin het therapeutische ingrediënt van de klant wordt gecombineerd met de gepatenteerde technologie van OctoPlus, en de Onderneming streeft ernaar nog 6 van deze projecten in 2009 te starten. Gecombineerd met de verwachte groei in onze Contract Development dienstverlening verwachten wij hiermee in staat te zijn een positieve cashflow op operationeel niveau te bereiken voor het jaar 2009.

Het jaarverslag is beschikbaar op de website van OctoPlus, www.octoplus.nl. Gedrukte exemplaren van het jaarverslag kunnen worden besteld door een e-mail te sturen naar IR@octoplus.nl.

Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders
De Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders (AVA) wordt op 23 april 2009 om 14.00 uur gehouden op het hoofdkantoor van de Onderneming in Leiden. De agenda en andere informatie over de AVA worden op 8 april gepubliceerd op de website van de Onderneming.

Message from the CEO
2008 has in many aspects been a turbulent year for OctoPlus. On the one
hand, Locteron® development progressed successfully with the start of the
PLUS study and clinical proof of concept was demonstrated for OP-145 CSOM.
In addition, growing interest from potential customers for our technology
platform clearly demonstrates that OctoPlus has a promising future ahead.
However, the current financial climate prevented OctoPlus from attracting
sufficient means to continue to invest significant sums into own product
development and therefore we chose to adopt a more service-oriented
strategy. This annual report describes our activities during the year 2008 and
the start of the implementation of a new strategy with which we position the
Company for a secure future.
Following the positive outcome in 2007 of the Phase IIa clinical study with
Locteron, a product for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, a follow-on study
was started in 2008, the PLUS study, which took place in the United States.
During the year 2008, discussions with Biolex, our development partner since
2005, resulted in a product rights acquisition agreement whereby OctoPlus
sold its commercial rights to Locteron. OctoPlus received an upfront payment
of $ 11 million in October and is entitled to further milestone payments and
royalties worth up to $ 138 million. Furthermore, we remain involved as a
process development and manufacturing partner, for which the Company will
be reimbursed by Biolex.
Our Contract Development activities experienced considerable growth, with
total service revenues, including inter-segment revenues, increasing by 19%
over the previous year. Inter-segment revenues from Locteron demanded a
modest portion of the formulation and manufacturing capabilities, allowing us
to increase services for third parties. Ongoing growth is expected and can be
realised through our expanded development and manufacturing capacity. The
new manufacturing facility is planned to become fully operational in the second
quarter of 2009.
The growth in Contract Development and the agreements with Biolex together
resulted in 226% increased consolidated revenues. In addition, because
the Company discontinued using OctoPlus funds to invest in the further
development of Locteron, a reduction of 59% of OctoPlus’ net loss was
In February 2009, we were able to strengthen our financial position through
a capital raising of € 6.0 million. Concurrently, the loans provided by Life
Sciences Partners and S.R. One were converted into equity.
I would like to thank all our employees for their ongoing commitment,
professionalism and contribution during 2008. We look forward to the year
ahead and hope to report on new successes originating from our new strategy.

Information for Shareholders
Financial calendar
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 23 April 2009
Publication of 2009 fi rst half-year results 6 August 2009
Publication of 2009 second half-year results 25 February 2010
Major shareholders*
Life Sciences Partners III B.V/C.V. 17.2%
S.R. One, Limited 16.9%
Signet Healthcare Partners 16.6%
Joost Holthuis / Sodoro B.V. 10.2%
Innoven Partenaires S.A. 9.3%
Fagus N.V. 7.2%
* post February 2009 private placement.

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