Derde kwartaalcijfers Via Networks

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Overig advies 10/11/2003 07:39
Third quarter 2003 revenues of $16.6 million flat from the second quarter 2003 reflects the positive impact of the initiatives taken under VIA's 2003-2005 Strategic Plan
* Significant operational improvements throughout 2003 driving a $5.8 million bottom line improvement in operating loss from continuing operations of ($27.9 million) for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 as compared with ($33.7 million) in the same period in 2002
* Fourth quarter revenue expected to show strong improvement from the third quarter with full year 2003 revenue target remaining at approximately $70 million, a 5% year over year increase over 2002, including the benefit of movements in foreign exchange
* Continuing improvements in products, channel mix, quality of prospect pipeline and ongoing operational reengineering reinforces VIA's commitment of reaching the break-even point of net cash flow from operations during 2004

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