Mongolia welcomes its first domestically trained geotechnical engineers

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Overig advies 19/06/2024 17:21
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia - The University of Science and Technology, Rio Tinto Group, and Oyu Tolgoi collaborated to implement a Mine Geotechnical Engineering Degree programme. This programme trained the first generation of geotechnical engineers in Mongolia. Geotechnical engineers are essential to the mining industry. Today, the program awarded bachelor's degrees to its inaugural graduating class. The programme provides young people interested in the mining profession the opportunity to acquire world-class knowledge and education within their own country. In the future, this will create the foundation for graduates to work not only at Oyu Tolgoi, but also at large international mining operations.

Geotechnical engineering is a crucial profession for the mining and construction industries. Geotechnical engineers accurately assess the soil, rock, and surface structures of mineral deposits, mining sites, and buildings. They precisely determine the engineering and geological parameters required for design and planning. Geotechnical engineers also evaluate potential future transformations and changes to these structures.

The Mine Geotechnical Engineering Degree Programme began in 2021 with $2.42 million funding. Currently, more than 100 students are enrolled at the University of Science and Technology (MUST) to study in this programme. Looking ahead, we have ambitious goals, including introducing master's degree programmes, achieving international accreditation, empowering the teaching faculty, and establishing an International Research Center.

As part of this program, a Computer Laboratory was provided to the MUST. Additionally, a Rock Analysis Laboratory was established with a $366,000 supplementary funding from Oyu Tolgoi. These specialised laboratories allow students to utilize professional software for training and research. Students can study Mongolia's unique natural formations and rock structures in depth, gaining hands-on experience that prepares them for real-world applications in the mining industry.

The support from Oyu Tolgoi and Rio Tinto aims to address the skill shortages in mining, particularly in underground mining, and the challenges in production sector. The project will lead to the development of an internationally recognized and research-based curriculum in the geotechnics in Mongolia.

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