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Overig advies 28/03/2024 06:03
Centamin announces the publication of its 2023 sustainability report in conjunction with the publication of the 2023 annual
report. The reports are available on the Company’s website www.centamin.com/investors/results-reports/ . The Annual
General Meeting will be on 21 May 2024, hosted in Jersey. The notice of AGM will be posted to shareholders on 9 April
2024 and associated documents filed at that time.
Centamin’s sustainability report sets out the Company’s framework for integrating sustainability into its business strategy
and governance processes; and presents performance against sustainability targets at both a Group and asset-level. The
sustainability priorities presented in the report remain clear and consistent, reflecting a continued focus on the most material
topics to both Centamin and its stakeholders. These priorities include: environmental and social governance; safety, health
and wellbeing; energy and climate; materials stewardship; socio-economic partnership; and, people and transformation. The
report highlights the Company’s achievements in each of these areas and the positive impact arising from its investments
in Egypt and Cote d’Ivoire.
MARTIN HORGAN, CEO commented: “We are pleased to align the publication of the 2023 annual report with the
sustainability report for the first time, integrating sustainability metrics into our annual reporting cycle.
Our team takes pride in our responsible approach to mining, setting the benchmark for sustainability performance and good
industry practice in Egypt. Enhancing the socio-economic contribution to our host countries is fundamental to Centamin’s
purpose. In 2023, Centamin distributed US$984 million in economic value, from operating costs and employee wages, to
capital expenditure, as well as profit share and royalty payments. The vast majority of this value distribution remained in
Egypt, by virtue of our partnership with the Egyptian government and our high level of national employment and
Through 2023 we continued to deliver against our sustainability targets with improved performance across our priority
metrics. I am proud to report significant progress on numerous long-term programmes most notably: ISO 45001 certification
at Sukari; a marked reduction in Group Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions; and an increased level of
conformance of our tailings management system to the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (“GISTM”).
Looking ahead to 2024, the grid connection project will continue our recent success in delivering our near-term
decarbonisation targets, while also taking costs out of the business. We will also continue to increase our conformance to
the GISTM, targeting full conformance during 2025.”
• 9.5 million hours worked at the Sukari Gold Mine (“Sukari”) with zero lost time injuries (“LTI”). The Group
lost time injury frequency rate (“LTIFR”) of 0.08 was an 83% improvement on the 3-year trailing average. Total
recordable injury frequency rate (“TRIFR”) of 2.83, representing a 24% improvement on the 3-year trailing average.
• Sustained zero reportable environmental and social incidents across the Group and zero instances of
regulatory non-compliance reported.
• A 7% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions compared to a 2021 base year, driven primarily by a 21.5
million litre reduction in diesel consumption during the first full year of solar power generation.
• Advanced development of carbon abatement projects in support of the 2030 Decarbonisation Roadmap (link
to RNS here), notably a 50MWAC grid connection and 15MWAC solar plant expansion.
• Strong levels of local content with 95% of our workforce employed locally to the country of operation and 81%
of the total Group procurement spend is with national suppliers.
• Sustained commitment to provide professional development opportunities that empower our employees to
fulfil their potential. For the Group, 76% of senior and middle management roles are held by nationals; and at
Sukari, 67% of employees were assessed to have met training requirements for progression to a higher level of competency.
• Systematic gap analysis complete against the requirements of the GISTM and roadmap in place to achieve full conformance during 2025.
see &

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