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Overig advies 29/03/2022 17:49
Vancouver, BC – Coast Copper Corp. (“Coast Copper” or the “Company”; TSX-V: COCO) is pleased to announce the results from its 2022 Annual General Meeting (the “Meeting”) held on Monday March 28, 2022.

A total of 21,957,610 common shares, representing 39.71% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company, were represented at the Meeting. The following resolutions were approved by the Company’s shareholders:

-The number of Directors of the Company was set at four (4);

- Fletcher Morgan, Adam Travis, Dale Wallster and Dan Berkshire were elected Directors of the Company to hold office until the next annual general meeting of the Company;

- Davidson & Company LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants were re-appointed as the auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and the Directors were authorized to fix their remuneration;

- Approved the Company 10% rolling Long-Term Incentive Plan as provided in the management information circular and approved by the board of Directors on February 22.

Coast Copper also announces the resignation of Dave Tupper, VP of Exploration. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors and thank him for his service over the years.

Vancouver, BC – Coast Copper Corp. (“Coast Copper” or the “Company”; TSX-V: COCO) announces that it:

- has hired an experienced Exploration Manager;

- has completed 5 core drill-holes during its current exploration program in the newly discovered area at Raven Bluff;

- is continuing to drill on other new targets; and,

- has received all the 2021 drill results at the optioned Empire Mine property.

Coast Copper is pleased to announce that it has hired Mr. Jesse Collison as Exploration Manager. Mr. Collison is an engineering geologist with more than 15 years of project management and advanced exploration experience on a variety of deposit types. He holds a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Victoria and a M.Eng. in Mining Engineering from the University of British Columbia. Mr. Collison has spent the last ten years as an Engineering Geologist with Knight Piésold Ltd. as a consultant on advanced greenfield and brownfield exploration projects across Canada and the United States. Prior to joining Knight Piésold, he was a Mine Geologist at Taseko Mines Limited’s (“Taseko”) Gibraltar Mine and spent several years as an Exploration Geologist on many projects throughout British Columbia. Most notably, he was part of the team involved with confirming the resource at Taseko’s Aley Niobium Project in 2010. Mr. Collison is a registered professional geoscientist and member in good standing with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

Adam Travis, Coast Copper CEO comments, “We are very excited to welcome Jesse to our team. As a testament to the strength of the Empire Project, Jesse approached us after his review of advanced exploration projects in British Columbia having past production similar to ones he had been working on with Knight Piésold, where he could add significant value to a junior explorer. I am excited about our new drilling this year targeting our new discoveries, extending them along strike and at depth and taking that newfound knowledge into other areas of the property. Our exploration drilling at Raven Bluff is following up on our new discovery of 7.18 g/t gold and 3.17% copper over 16.3 metres and is progressing well with all 5 drill-holes extending the geological strike to over 100 metres so far and to a vertical depth of 250 metres. We are also testing at depth and along strike of the newly re-discovered Raven Pit, the West Pipe Dyke and the Lower Marten Showing. Our 2021 results (which 16 of the 19 holes returned significant* results) are proving that the Empire Project is a very target rich environment for copper-gold mineralization not only around the margins of the historical iron ore pit but also in underexplored areas near other historical occurrences and pits.”

The 2022 drilling on the Empire Mine property has progressed steadily and Coast Copper has completed 5 diamond drill holes (MW22-020, 021, 022, 023 & 026) within the newly discovered Raven Bluff area where previous results from 2021 included MW21-015: 7.18 grams per tonne (“g/t”) gold (“Au”) and 3.17% copper (“Cu”) over 16.3 metres (“m”) including 16.86g/t Au over 4.70 m and 4.64 g/t Au, 12.51% Cu and 197.6 g/t silver (“Ag”) over 3.36 m (as announced on February 1, 2022). The geological team has noted mineralization and alteration spatially associated with greenstone dykes in similar geological fashion to last winter’s drilling in all 5 drill-holes to date (See Figure 1). The orientation of the main Raven Bluff mineralized zone is striking 330 degrees to the northwest and dipping 72 degrees to the east which follows the general trend of the greenstone dykes. MW21-016 was drilled at the same location as MW21-015 but at a steeper angle and thus did not pierce completely through the Raven Bluff mineralized zone into the hanging wall, which is host to the majority of the mineralization (see Figure 2).

Additional drilling includes 2 drill-holes (MW22-024 & 025) at the newly re-discovered buried Raven pit where last year’s drilling from drillhole MW21-017 returned 6.2 g/t Au over 1.67 m.

One drillhole has also been completed (MW22-027) on the West Pipe Dyke (located ~100 m east of the Merry Widow Pit). Early 1960s exploration indicated a magnetic high west of the Kingfisher central deposit and was named the West Pipe. Historical drilling has indicated the existence of massive magnetite as a tabular body immediately overlying the West Pipe Dyke. Its occurrence coincides with the intersection of the dyke and the Kingfisher fault. Small lenses of pyrrhotite, pyrite, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite with associated gold in calcite gangue lie along the hanging wall of the West Pipe Dyke (Lund, 1966). No records exist for the 1960s drilling at West Pipe and no other drilling was completed during exploration programs in the 1980s or early 2000s.

Based on the new discoveries at Raven Bluff and our geological understanding of significant gold and copper mineralization associated with high angled structures, drilling is also proposed at the Lower Marten showing, which has never been drill tested as previous drillholes in the area failed in overburden and/or fell well short of the target.

Results from the current drill program will be announced upon receipt and the completion of the Company’s stringent QA/QC procedures. The Company has also contracted underground mining surveyors to assess the safety and overall condition of the underground Kingfisher mine.

The final assay results from the 2021 drill program included MW21-011 which targeted northwest of the current resource block estimation and intersected 2.38 g/t Au and 0.71% Cu over 6.72 m and another interval of 0.86 g/t Au and 0.31% Cu over 12.75 m. The results from MW21-011 and the rest of the 2021 drilling around the Merry Widow resource has enabled a better geological understanding of the Merry Widow deposit and how to best target expansion of the resource.

Coast Copper also tested the location of the Old Sport Horizon as known from the closed Benson Lake Mine with drill hole MW21-018. This drill-hole was successful in intersecting the Old Sport Horizon returning 0.38 g/t Au and 1.64 % Cu over 0.71 m. This is extremely important as very little information on the actual location of the Old Sport Horizon (a planar zone dipping to the west) in 3D space was known. Now, the Old Sport Horizon can be targeted with a much higher degree of confidence. See Table 1 for 2021 significant drill results.

A video summary of today’s news release is available by clicking here.
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