BHP Foundation Australian floods donation

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Overig advies 04/03/2022 07:02
The BHP Foundation will donate AU$2M to Australian Red Cross to support emergency relief efforts for those impacted by the devastating floods in Queensland and New South Wales.

The loss of lives and livelihoods is tragic and the situation continues to evolve. To date the floods along the east coast of Australia have seen over 30,000 houses flooded in Queensland and 34,000 evacuations. As the floods are extending south into NSW, over 500,000 people are on flood warnings or evacuation orders. Access, road closures and infrastructure damage is extensive, making rescue efforts problematic, and interruption to supply chains is impacting supplies of food and essential items to affected areas.

The Foundation’s donation will help Australian Red Cross continue to provide immediate support through evacuation centres, communications, essential supplies (drinking water, food, and clothing), water/sewage treatment, access to power/internet and cleaning supplies. It will also support longer-term recovery programs which recognize the cumulative effect multiple recent disasters including bushfires, COVID, floods has had on the community’s psychosocial and economic health.

The BHP Foundation has been privileged to support the relief efforts of the Australian Red Cross over many years, and more recently the partnership has focused on developing a sector-leading model which harnesses community-led resilience approaches to manage and reduce the psychosocial impacts of more frequent and severe natural disasters.

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