Rag Udd visits Brazil and Driving improvements in sustainability at landscape scale

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Overig advies 18/02/2022 07:02
n late January, Rag Udd President Minerals Americas visited Brazil to further understand the work that is being done to ensure full and fair remediation for the Fundão dam failure.

During his trip, Rag met with part of the BHP Brazil team in Belo Horizonte and visited two resettlement projects, including:

the Bento Rodrigues resettlement, where 47 houses have been completed and several others are under construction;
the Paracatu resettlement, where he saw the first set of houses and public buildings under construction.
He also toured the Germano complex where Samarco restarted its activities with focusing on the safety and sustainability of its operations.

“The 2021 results have been great, and communities and states are already benefiting from the operations”.

Hear more from Rag about his visit and the progress of our remediation efforts on the video. about 2,25 minutes. https://www.bhp.com/news/articles/2022/02/rag-udd-visits-brazil

Driving improvements in sustainability at landscape scale.

With increasing urgency, business, government and civil society need to collaborate to tackle the complex and interlinked environmental and socio-economic challenges we face. Recognition that site-level approaches alone will not be sufficient to deliver this has resulted in increasing interest and investment in landscape-level action from NGOs, governments, donors and the private sector. However, few decision-makers have access to reliable and comprehensive information about the status of and trends in sustainability at this scale. Increasing availability of this information is critical, firstly to strengthen the business case for landscape sustainability insights to be factored into management, investment, or sourcing decisions, and secondly, to ensure that interventions are targeted effectively and adapted quickly to have maximum impact.

LandScale is being developed in collaboration with a growing coalition of global partners including the Regional Office of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in Costa Rica, the Nature Conservation and Research Centre in Ghana, ProForest, Solidaridad in Guatemala, and EcoAgriculture Partners. It is enabling collaboration across private sector, governments and civil society globally to translate complex data into reliable landscape insights that can guide and incentivize sustainability improvements at scale.

BHP Foundation is enabling pilots with landscapes in Peru and Mexico. In both landscapes, following the completion of initial baseline assessments, engagement is underway with key landscape stakeholders and Action Plans are in development to address the issues identified by the LandScale assessments.

Learn more about the work of our world-leading partners in our new Strategy and Impact Booklet.

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