Hecla Reports 2nd Highest Silver Reserves in Company History

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Overig advies 17/02/2022 14:12
- Gold reserves increase by 14% to more than 2.7 million ounces

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) today reported the second highest silver reserves in its 130-year history and provided an update on its exploration programs during the fourth quarter of 2021 and plans for 2022.


Silver reserves increased to 200 million ounces with Greens Creek increasing 12%.
Gold production was replaced, and reserves increased by 14%.
Measured and indicated resources declined primarily due to conversion to reserves.
Inferred resources increased 8% for silver and 2% for gold.
Extended or maintained already long reserve mine lives.

Greens Creek drilling upgraded and expanded resources in 4 of the 9 zones.
Drilling from Casa Berardi’s 9 rigs converted and expanded resources and discovered new mineralized structures.
Midas exploration defined and expanded mineralization on the Sinter Structure and intersected high-grade mineralization on two new structures that are open along the East Graben Corridor.
Hollister drilling from the new decline confirmed multiple new veins zones at the Hatter Graben resource.
San Sebastian’s El Bronco and El Tigre veins reported initial inferred resources.
2022 exploration and pre-development planned spend of $45 million.
“Hecla’s silver reserves are near our all time high with Greens Creek reaching 125 million ounces, that mine’s second highest since 2002, and Lucky Friday’s 75 million ounces giving it a reserve mine life in excess of 15 years,” said Phillips S. Baker, Jr., President and CEO. “Since 2008, Hecla has, through exploration, added 239 million silver ounces in reserves, replacing production while also growing resources. We see further growth in reserves, resources, and production from our exciting exploration program. With the increasing need for silver to contribute to the transition to cleaner energy, Hecla has both the largest silver reserve and production in the United States which positions us to meet demand long into the future.”


2021 proven and probable silver reserves were the second highest in Hecla’s history at 200 million ounces. The Company not only replaced silver production (15.2 million silver ounces contained), but also increased proven and probable reserves by 6%, or 11.5 million ounces over 2020. Gold production was also replaced (244,680 gold ounces contained) and proven and probable reserves increased 14% to 2.7 million ounces. Zinc production of 71,000 tons was replaced and reserves increased 2% to a total of 907,000 tons. Lead production of 49,000 tons was nearly replaced with a slight decrease of 1% to 735,000 tons. Reserve price assumptions for 2021 were $17.0/oz silver, $1,600/oz gold, $1.15/lb. zinc, and $0.90/lb. lead.

Measured and indicated silver ounces decreased 9% to 207 million ounces, from its record level in 2020, due to conversion to reserves at Greens Creek and Lucky Friday. Measured and indicated gold ounces decreased 6% to 3.5 million ounces due to conversion to reserves at Casa Berardi and Greens Creek.

Inferred silver resources increased 8% to 491 million ounces while inferred gold resources increased 2% to 5.6 million ounces due to increases at Greens Creek, Lucky Friday, San Sebastian in Mexico, and Midas in Nevada.

Greens Creek

At Greens Creek, 2021 production across all four metals was replaced and silver, gold, zinc, and lead reserves increased by 12%, 14%, 11%, and 11%, respectively, over 2020 reserves.

Measured and indicated silver resources at year-end 2021 were 107 million ounces, a 7% decrease over 2020 due to conversion to reserves. Inferred silver resources increased 18% given renewed exploration drilling and increased metal prices to a total of 27.5 million ounces.

Casa Berardi

At Casa Berardi, 2021 mining depletion was replaced and gold reserves increased 16%, or an addition of 242,000 ounces over 2020 to 1.8 million ounces. The increase is mostly due to additions at the 160 Open Pit.

Measured and indicated gold resources decreased 16% overall from 2020 (-89% open pit and -4% underground) to 1.1 million ounces due to conversion to reserves and higher cut-off grades given increased mining costs. Reserve conversions were mostly seen in the 160 Open Pit zones. Inferred gold resources declined 17% from 2020 given conversion to higher resource classes and reserves.

Lucky Friday

At the Lucky Friday, proven and probable reserves are currently 75 million ounces of silver (3% lower from 2020), 452,440 tons of lead and 181,020 tons of zinc.

Measured and indicated silver resources decreased 8% to 80 million ounces over 2020; lead and zinc measured and indicated resources decreased 6% and 4%, respectively. Decrease in measured and indicated resources is due to conversion to reserves.

Inferred resources significantly increased year-over-year and include 42 million ounces of silver (+65%), 311,850 tons of lead (+62%) and 129,600 tons of zinc (+55%). Increase in inferred resources is mostly due to additions in the upper portions of the 30 Vein adjacent to reserve blocks; drilling plans are in place to better define these resources in order to convert them to reserve.

A breakdown of the Company’s reserves and resources is set out in Table A at the end of this news release.


Exploration and pre-development expenses totaled $12.9 million for the fourth quarter and $47.9 million for the full year, which was a record and an increase of $29.6 million compared to 2020.

Exploration Update for Fourth Quarter, 2021

At Casa Berardi, six underground and three surface core drills focused on resource conversion and exploration drilling to upgrade and expand resources in the West, Principal, and East mine areas. Drilling in the West Mine targeted the eastern edge of the 113 Zone to define continuity and expand mineralization to the east. Highlights from this drilling include intercepts grading 0.46 oz/ton gold over 12.5 feet and 0.39 oz/ton gold over 13.1 feet.

Drilling in the Principal Mine targeted the upper part of the 123 Zone and the western part of the 124 Zone and successfully extended and confirmed the continuity of both zones. Highlights from this drilling include intercepts grading 0.69 oz/ton gold over 11.2 feet and 0.52 oz/ton gold over 9.2 feet. Drilling in the 124 Zone targeted mineralized lenses at the contact between a volcanic and sedimentary unit south of the Casa Berardi Fault. Results from this drilling confirms the presence of the mineralized structure west of the current 124-22 lens with intercepts including 0.21 oz/ton gold over 27.9 feet and 0.13 oz/ton over 11.2 feet.

Drilling in the East Mine targeted upgrading and expanding mineralization in the 146 and 148 zones. Many assay results are pending; results received to date from the 146 Zone drilling consists of wide zones of low-grade gold mineralization with narrow internal high-grade intervals. Similarly, drilling in the 148 Zone expanded mineralization to the south of the Casa Berardi fault zone with intercepts including 0.13 oz/ton gold over 26.2 feet with narrow internal higher-grade intervals.

Detailed 3D geologic modeling and target definition has been completed for the West, Principal, and East mine areas.

At Greens Creek, two underground core drills focused on resource conversion in the 9A and 200 South zones and exploration in the 200 South and Gallagher Fault Block zones. Highlights from the 9A drilling include intercepts containing 29.2 oz/ton silver, 0.39 oz/ton gold, 19.0% zinc, and 10.6% lead over 8.0 feet and 19.2 oz/ton silver, 0.14 oz/ton gold, 10.5% zinc, and 6.4% lead over 14.0 feet. Drilling in the 200 South Zone targeted expanding and upgrading resources in the central and southern portions of the zone. While numerous assay results are pending, highlights include intercepts containing 60.0 oz/ton silver, 0.02 oz/ton gold, 8.6% zinc and 4.1% lead over 4.6 feet and 25.7 oz/ton silver, 0.23 oz/ton gold, 2.0% zinc, and 1.0% lead over 6.0 feet.

Drilling at Midas intersected narrow, high-grade gold and silver mineralization along the Sinter Structure, and identified two new mineralized structures, the Racer and Hanging Wall (HW1) Structures. Recent drillhole intersections in the Sinter Structure include 0.25 oz/ton gold and 63.9 oz/ton silver over 0.9 feet estimated true thickness. Mineralization is hosted in quartz carbonate veining which is locally fractured and crushed due to post-mineral fault movement. Sinter mineralization has been intersected over 3,200 feet of strike length and continues to be open for expansion both along strike and dip.

Our first drillhole testing the Racer Structure returned significant assay results of 0.84 oz/t gold and 0.6 oz/t silver over 1.9 feet estimated true thickness. This structure is characterized by intense argillization and brecciation with localized calcite and quartz veinlets. Mineralization remains open along strike and up and down dip.

HW1, a new low angle hanging wall structure has also been identified through geologic interpretation between the Racer and Sinter Structures. Intercepts to date on the HW1 structure include 1.22 oz/ton gold and 0.7 oz/ton silver over 0.8 feet estimated true thickness and 0.03 oz/ton gold and 9.4 oz/ton silver over 2.6 feet estimated true thickness. The orientation and grade distribution along the structure is currently being investigated.

At Hollister, the development drift advanced at the Hatter Graben exploration area allowing completion of the first drillhole that targeted and confirmed multiple zones of banded quartz veins and veinlets south of the existing resource. Intercepts from this initial drillhole include 1.27 oz/ton gold and 1.1 oz/ton silver over 0.9 feet estimated true thickness and 0.23 oz/ton gold and 7.7 oz/ton silver over 1.0 foot estimated true thickness.

Exploration at San Sebastian included deeper drill testing in both the El Bronco and El Toro vein systems in addition to drill testing of four Short Vertical Reverse Circulation (SVRC) anomalies and geologic studies. Assay results from the deeper drilling confirm vein continuity at depth at both El Bronco and El Tigre and intersected a new hanging wall vein at El Tigre.

More complete drill assay highlights can be found in Table B at the end of the release.

Montana Pre-development Update

Hecla has withdrawn the Plan of Operations for Rock Creek and Montanore from consideration by the United States Forest Service (USFS). These plans were prepared by each project’s prior owner and do not have the data necessary for Hecla to formulate a modern mine plan. The Company intends to submit a new Plan of Operations for just the Montanore site that will be limited to geologic and environmental evaluation activities only. If approved and subsequent data collection and analysis activities suggest development of a mine is feasible and economic, then a new Plan of Operations for construction and development at Montanore would be submitted to the USFS. While no activities beyond care and maintenance are currently planned for Rock Creek, mineral and other property rights there will not be impacted.

2022 Exploration Program

More than a quarter of the total expenditures in 2022 are planned for Casa Berardi (16%) and Greens Creek (11%) exploration. Exploration at both Casa Berardi and Greens Creek is focused on replacing production and expansion of high-grade underground reserves and resources through drill testing and conversion of inferred resource to reserves.

At Casa Berardi, underground definition drilling will focus on the following areas: 1) the 118 and 119 zones expanding resources to the west and east of the current reserves, 2) the high-grade plunge at depth and to the east in the Lower 123 Zone in addition to infilling the gap between the Lower 123 and Upper 123 zones, and 3) upgrading resource at depth in the 148 Zone. Exploration drilling will focus on testing the high-grade up and/or down plunge extensions of the 113, 116, 118, 123, 128, 134, 146 and 148 zones as defined from the recent 3D geological modeling and targeting completed in 2021. In addition to these underground exploration programs within the mining lease at Casa Berardi, surface sonic drilling is planned for initial testing of regional target areas in the west, central, and east claim blocks along the Casa Berardi Break. This drilling will enhance historic till sampling in addition to mapping the subsurface bedrock lithologies, alteration, and structures.

At Greens Creek, underground definition drilling will focus on upgrading resources in the West, East, Southwest, Gallagher, and 200 South ore zones while underground exploration drilling will focus on extending mineralization along strike to the south for the 200 South, Gallagher, and Gallagher Fault Block zones in addition to targeting the westward extension of the East Ore Zone above the Klaus Shear and an offset segment of the West Zone. Surface exploration drilling will be focused on advancing the understanding of the geology and discovery of new mineral zones in the Lil’Sore trend and Lil’Sore Prospect target areas and extending mineralization in the near mine 5250 and Upper Plate zones.

Nevada exploration is expected to be 30% of the total planned expenditures, with drilling programs at Hollister, Midas, and Aurora, in addition to detailed mapping, sampling, and target generation at all three projects.

At Hollister, exploration of the Hatter Graben is expected with further development of the decline setting up exploration drilling to upgrade a portion of the current Hatter Graben resource and explore additional Hatter Graben veins both to the south and east of the current resource area. Pre-development spend in 2022 will primarily be focused on advancing the Hatter Graben decline and is estimated at 8% of the total expenditures. To date 2,400 feet of development has been completed along with the necessary ventilation and dewatering infrastructure, additional footage is planned through the first half of 2022.

Exploration at Midas will focus on the two miles of strike length along the Eastern Graben Corridor. Drilling will focus on wide-spaced offsets along the Racer structural corridor near intersections with the northeast oriented Owhyee structures, structural splays off the Racer structure (Vapor Trail), and the northern extension of Little Opal.

At Aurora, drilling is planned to test high-grade vein extensions from historic production areas and the Sawtooth Ridge target area.

San Sebastian represents 8% of the planned exploration spend, focusing on evaluating both near surface and deeper precious metal mineralization. Core drilling is planned to target deeper mineralization in the Middle, North, Francine, El Toro, El Tigre, and El Bronco vein systems. Core drilling will also target deeper high-grade mineralization in the La Roca district which represents a fully preserved epithermal system with strong acid sulfate alteration at the surface. In addition, a Short Vertical Reverse Circulation (SVRC) drilling program north of the San Sebastian Mine area and into the southern portion of the La Roca district will focus on defining new near-surface targets under cover.

Exploration programs are planned to be reinitiated in both the Creede district in Colorado and Republic district in Washington, and combined, accounts for approximately 10% of the total expenditures with field work and surface drilling programs in both districts. At Creede, drilling will focus on surface drilling of the North Bulldog target testing previous narrow high-grade mineralization deeper in the more favorable volcanic sequence which was historically the best host to mineralization. We also plan to initiate underground access and rehabilitation of the main level in the Bulldog mine to eventually provide platforms for underground drilling of the prospective veins.

Analytical turnaround times for assay results from the ISO-certified analytical laboratories were delayed during 2021 due to COVID-19 related staffing issues, increased sample load, and supply chain issues. Currently there are 14,000 samples pending assays with about 80% from Nevada. To support drill targeting, we use ¼ core sample with secondary labs. Final assays will continue to be delayed in 2022.


Founded in 1891, Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) is the largest silver producer in the United States. In addition to operating mines in Alaska and Idaho, and Quebec, Canada, the Company owns a number of exploration and pre-development properties in world-class silver and gold mining districts throughout North America.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements, Including 2022 Outlook

This news release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections and other applicable laws, including Canadian securities laws. Words such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “expects”, “intends”, “projects”, “believes”, “estimates”, “targets”, “anticipates” and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements may include, without limitation our planned exploration program for 2022.

Estimates or expectations of future events or results are based upon certain assumptions, which may prove to be incorrect. Such assumptions, include, but are not limited to: (a) there being no significant change to current geotechnical, metallurgical, hydrological and other physical conditions; (b) permitting, development, operations and expansion of the Company’s projects being consistent with current expectations and mine plans; (c) political/regulatory developments in any jurisdiction in which the Company operates being consistent with its current expectations; (d) the exchange rate for the Canadian dollar to the U.S. dollar, being approximately consistent with current levels; (e) certain price assumptions for gold, silver, lead and zinc; (f) prices for key supplies being approximately consistent with current levels; (g) the accuracy of our current mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates; (h) there being no significant changes to our plans for 2022 and beyond due to COVID-19 or any other public health issue, including, but not limited to with respect to availability of employees, vendors and equipment; and (i) the Company’s plans for development and production will proceed as expected and will not require revision as a result of risks or uncertainties, whether known, unknown or unanticipated. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. However, such statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed, projected or implied by the “forward-looking statements.” Such risks include, but are not limited to gold, silver and other metals price volatility, operating risks, currency fluctuations, increased production costs and variances in ore grade or recovery rates from those assumed in mining plans, community relations, conflict resolution and outcome of projects or oppositions, litigation, political, regulatory, labor and environmental risks, and exploration risks and results, including that mineral resources are not mineral reserves, they do not have demonstrated economic viability and there is no certainty that they can be upgraded to mineral reserves through continued exploration. For a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors, see the Company’s 2020 Form 10-K, filed on February 18, 2021, with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), as well as the Company’s other SEC filings, including the Company's 2021 10-K expected to be filed on February 22, 2022. The Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly revisions to any “forward-looking statement,” including, without limitation, outlook, to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. Investors should not assume that any lack of update to a previously issued “forward-looking statement” constitutes a reaffirmation of that statement. Continued reliance on “forward-looking statements” is at investors’ own risk.

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