Great Panther Silver Reports Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results

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Overig advies 04/08/2016 10:54
VANCOUVER, Aug. 3, 2016 /PRNewswire/ - GREAT PANTHER SILVER LIMITED (TSX: GPR; NYSE MKT: GPL) ("Great Panther"; the "Company") today reported financial results for the Company's three and six months ended June 30, 2016. The full version of the Company's unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements, and Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") can be viewed on the Company's website at, or SEDAR at All financial information is prepared in accordance with IFRS and all dollar amounts are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.

"Great Panther's mine operating earnings before non-cash items increased 96% over the second quarter of 2015 due to higher silver and gold prices, favourable foreign exchange rates, and continued strong operating performance. These factors were also reflected in significant increases in operating cash flow and adjusted EBITDA, and contributed to significant growth in our cash and net working capital balances", stated Robert Archer, President and CEO. "The substantial increase in our cash flow and margins were also reflective of 74% and 43% reductions in our cash cost and all-in sustaining cost compared to the second quarter of 2015. These came in at an impressive US$1.72 and US$7.19, respectively, for the second quarter. As such, we are taking the step to reduce our cash-cost and all-in sustaining cost guidance for the year while maintaining our production guidance."

During the second quarter of 2016, the Company generated $13.2 million in mine operating earnings before non-cash items, and $9.9 million in operating cash flows before changes in non-cash net working capital. This reflected increases of 96% and 176%, respectively, over the results from the second quarter of 2015. These strong operating results are attributable to a 74% reduction in cash cost per payable silver ounce (in US dollar terms) and to the benefit of higher metal prices and favorable foreign exchange rates on revenues. Notwithstanding the strong mine operating earnings, the Company reported a net loss of $1.7 million for the second quarter of 2016, mainly due to unrealized (non-cash) foreign exchange losses of $6.4 million on inter-company loans and advances by the Company to its Mexican subsidiaries and a $2.2 million (non-cash) impairment charge associated with the termination of the option agreement for the Coricancha project. Adjusted EBITDA increased by 134% to $9.8 million.

Cash and net working capital at June 30, 2016 increased 48% and 46% to $28.8 million and $49.4 million, respectively, compared to the balances at the start of the year. This was largely a function of the improvement in cash-flows from operating activities, and $6.6 million in proceeds from an At-the-Market share offering. Subsequent to the second quarter, on July 12, 2016, the Company closed an equity bought deal offering for gross proceeds of US$29.9 million that further improved the Company's cash position and significantly improved net working capital positions. The Company continues to have no debt.

Highlights of the second quarter 2016 compared to second quarter 2015, unless otherwise noted:

Metal production decreased 5% to 1,037,728 Ag eq oz;
Silver production decreased 17% to 536,726 silver ounces;
Gold production increased 13% to 6,010 gold ounces;
Cash cost decreased 74% to US$1.72 per payable silver ounce;
AISC decreased 43% to US$7.19 per payable silver ounce;
Revenue increased 33% to $25.6 million;
Mine operating earnings before non-cash items increased to $13.2 million compared to $6.7 million;
Adjusted EBITDA improved to $9.8 million from $4.2 million;
Net loss totalled $1.7 million, compared to a net loss of $4.7 million;
Cash flow from operating activities, before changes in non-cash net working capital ("NCWC"), increased to $9.9 million, from $3.6 million;
Cash and cash equivalents increased to $28.8 million at June 30, 2016, from $17.9 million at December 31, 2015; and
Net working capital increased to $49.4 million at June 30, 2016 from $33.3 million at December 31, 2015.


During the second quarter of 2016, revenue increased by $6.4 million or 33% relative to the second quarter of 2015. This was primarily attributable to the increase in precious metal prices, which had an estimated impact of $2.8 million, and to the 12% increase in metal sales volumes due to timing of shipments which had an estimated impact of $2.2 million. In addition, the stronger US dollar ("USD") relative to the Canadian dollar ("CAD") in the second quarter of 2016 had an estimated positive $1.5 million impact on the revenues reported in CAD. These positive factors were partly offset by the $0.2 million higher smelting and refining charges resulting from the higher sales volumes relative to the second quarter of 2015.

Mine operating earnings before non-cash items for the second quarter of 2016 were $13.2 million, an increase of $6.5 million compared to the second quarter of 2015. This was predominantly the result of higher precious metal prices as the realized silver price increased from US$15.47 to US$17.82. In addition, the Company benefitted from favourable foreign exchange rates. The stronger USD relative to the CAD during the second quarter of 2016 had the effect of increasing revenue in CAD terms. Conversely, the CAD strengthened 13% against the Mexican peso ("MXN"), which had the impact of reducing MXN production costs in CAD terms. These factors were augmented by the impact of the higher metal sales volumes, as the Company increased the volume of customer shipments.

Exploration, evaluation and development ("EE&D") increased by $0.9 million for the second quarter of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015, primarily as a result of exploration and evaluation programs related to the Coricancha project, which commenced after the Company entered into an option agreement to acquire the mine and related processing facilities during the second quarter of 2015. In addition, the Company recorded $0.4 million in EE&D expenses associated with the Guanajuato Mine during the second quarter of 2016, whereas such costs were still being capitalized to mineral properties during the second quarter of 2015.

The impairment charge recognized in the second quarter of 2016 relates to the termination of the Coricancha option agreement during the quarter.

Finance and other expense increased significantly due to a $6.3 million net foreign exchange loss recognized in the second quarter of 2016, compared to a $3.8 million foreign exchange loss recorded during the same period in 2015. The net foreign exchange loss for the second quarter of 2016 includes a $6.4 million non-cash unrealized loss related to intercompany balances made up of a US$38.8 million loan from the Company to one of its Mexican subsidiaries, as well as $40.9 million of CAD and USD balances payable by the Company's Mexican subsidiaries to the Company. In addition, a fair value loss of $0.4 million was recorded on the outstanding foreign currency forward contracts as at June 30, 2016, which was partly offset by realized foreign exchange gains of $0.3 million.

The net loss of $1.7 million for the second quarter of 2016 reflects the impact of predominantly unrealized foreign exchange loss and the non-cash impairment charge recorded during the period related to the termination of the option agreement associated with the Coricancha project. Net loss decreased compared to a net loss of $4.7 million for the same period in 2015. The decrease is primarily attributable to a $9.9 million increase in mine operating earnings. This factor was partly offset by a $2.4 million increase in net foreign exchange loss, a $0.9 million increase in EE&D expenditures, a $1.3 million increase in income tax expense and the $2.2 million impairment charge recorded against the Coricancha project.

Adjusted EBITDA of $9.8 million for the second quarter of 2016 increased compared to $4.2 million in the same period of 2015. The increase in adjusted EBITDA is primarily due to the $6.5 million increase in mine operating earnings before non-cash items. This was partly offset by a $0.9 million increase in EE&D expenses (net of changes in non-cash share based compensation and changes in estimate of reclamation provisions).


Cash cost was US$1.72 for the second quarter of 2016, a 74% decrease compared to the second quarter of 2015. The decrease in cash cost was predominantly the result of higher gold by-product credits per payable silver ounce as a result of an increase in gold production, and an increase in average realized gold prices. In addition, the strengthening of the USD compared to the MXN reduced cash operating costs in USD terms.

AISC for the second quarter of 2016 was US$7.19, a 43% decrease compared to the second quarter of 2015, primarily due to the reduction in cash cost described above. A reduction in mine development expenditures also contributed to the decrease in AISC, due to changes in the timing of capital expenditure and development plans. The Company expects an increase in sustaining capital expenditures and sustaining EE&D expenses in subsequent quarters, which is expected to increase AISC from the levels reported in the second quarter of 2016

Please refer to the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for further discussion of cash cost and AISC, and for a reconciliation to the Company's financial results as reported under IFRS.


The Company is reducing its cash cost and AISC guidance for the year ending December 31, 2016 as shown in the table below. The improvement in the outlook for cash cost and AISC reflects the fact that both cash cost and AISC for the first half of 2016 have been well below the Company's original guidance for the year, and the Company's outlook for these measures remains positive for the second half of the year. However, the Company does expect AISC for the second half of 2016 to increase meaningfully over the very low levels in the first half as capital and development expenditures will be more significant in the second half.

In addition, the Company is increasing its planned drilling activities and expenditures for the second half of the year given the improvement in precious metal prices seen in the first half of the year, and the resulting increase in mine operating earnings and cash-flow.
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