KEY INTERVIEW: NattoPharma’s Vitamin K2 Grows as Several Studies Support Its Benefits

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Overig advies 03/05/2016 13:19
03 May 2016 --- Consumers, supplement manufacturers and health professionals are no strangers to vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin known to aid blood clotting. It was recently discovered, however, that there are two major types of vitamin K – K1 and K2 – which have different roles and offer different benefits to consumers. Norwegian company NattoPharma specialises in the production and marketing of vitamin K2, which has been demonstrated in clinical studies to deliver bone and cardiovascular benefits, making it an invaluable nutrient for all stages of life. Vice President Sales & Marketing Europe & Asia, Rudi De Man spoke to NutritionInsight about the journey so far.

“The benefits of vitamin K1 have been known for several years,” he says. “But over the years the importance of vitamin K2 has been clinically validated, with the most telling pieces of research publishing in just the last few years. NattoPharma, the world leader in vitamin K2 research and development, was established in 2004. In K2 and in my one year with the company, I have been charged with driving the commercialization process and establishing a distribution network throughout Europe and Asia that will give the company an even broader reach.”

Vitamin K has long been incorrectly thought to be a facilitator for bone health and protector from cardiovascular disease, but a breakthrough came in 2013 when a vitamin K2-specific clinical trial, published in the journal Osteoporosis International, showed an important effect on bone mineral composition, bone density, and overall bone strength. The findings of the placebo-controlled trial were seen as significant as people started to take more notice of this vitamin sub-group that activates 17 different proteins related to calcium depositing. The consequence is that calcium spends less time lingering in the arteries, where it can cause calcification blockages, and more time where it can benefit people most – strengthening bones.

“Vitamin K2 was isolated and identified in the Japanese fermented soybean dish called natto,” De Man explains. “Researchers discovered that people who ate a lot of this fermented product remained very healthy. It was discovered that the fermentation process produces vitamin K2. K2 is difficult to obtain from diet alone – natto is the most uniquely rich source of vitamin K2, while the most popular Western source is fermented cheese, but even then very low doses are available.”

The benefits of vitamin K2 are wide-ranging and pertinent to all age groups, but particularly children, who are laying down calcium stores and mature adults, in whom calcium stores may have reached their peak. The Osteoporosis International study showed that supplementation with vitamin K2 can help to increase bone mineral density and bone strength, but another 3-year study (published in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2015) also importantly confirmed that K2 supplementation can not only inhibit calcium deposits in arteries and soft tissues, but actually lead to more flexible arteries.

“Supplementation with vitamin K2 is the most effective and popular way to increase K2 intake,” explains De Man. “But the next phase will be supplementation in food products. Dairy products, particularly yoghurt, are known to be a good vehicle as they optimise absorption of calcium and vitamin D, as well as K2. The K2 directs the calcium to where it needs to be – the bones – rather than the arteries.”

“At NattoPharma we don’t manufacture final products, but we provide our MenaQ7 Vitamin K2 as MK-7 in many delivery methods, including powders, oil and water soluble solutions. Further, our MenaQ7 was the actual material used in the important clinical studies showing the benefits of vitamin K2.”

The main role for De Man is to get the message out that K2 is a significant, useful and important supplement to take. “In some countries, such as Germany, K2 is well-known and popular, but there are areas where even medical professionals do not seem to be aware of its presence and its importance. K2 is not well-known in the UK and France, for example, so we are working hard to raise its profile in these countries,” says De Man. “We are currently working closely with supplement manufacturers to incorporate K2 into products and hopefully we will see awareness build soon.”

Another major 11-year study was recently published that will increase awareness of the importance of K2 among health professionals. As well as bone health, cardiovascular health is also strongly linked to vitamin K deficiency and this month a study by the American Heart Association showed a clear link between deficiency and heart disease. The study, published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, found that those with lower levels of activation of vitamin K2-dependent proteins, had higher rates of cardiovascular events.

De Man feels confident that the popularity of NattoPharma’s MenaQ7 Vitamin K2 product will continue to grow, particularly if further benefits are discovered.

“We are looking at other benefits in addition to the validated bone health and cardiovascular. Early indications show that vitamin K2 has benefits for other diseases such as diabetes and even Alzheimers. There needs to be a lot more research carried out, but considering that K2 switches on no less than 17 proteins (so far), there is potential for research into many more therapeutic areas,” concludes De Man.

by Kelly Worgan
Source: Nutrition Horizon


03 May 2016 --- Eating fruits and vegetables is not the only way to get your fill of super-nutrients. NutritionInsight looks at the various and innovative methods available to get these healthy antioxidants from superfoods.

Although there is no legal or medical definition, superfoods are defined as nutrient-rich foods considered to be especially beneficial for health and wellbeing. One well-known superfood which has gained popularity in recent years is the goji berry (Lycium barbarum), which is said to be the most nutritionally dense fruit on Earth, and has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

Super-nutrient dietary supplements contain strong concentrations of vitamins and other substances designed to remedy nutrient deficiencies in the body. Vitamin C is often seen as the original super-nutrient because of its powerful antioxidant properties. Vitamin B complexes contain all eight B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid, and B12). Such nutrients are also added to different superfood formulations, some of which are described below:

Freeze dried and fine milled superfood powders are being marketed to the consumer as “magic bullets” – full of healthy enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

These superfood mixes are a convenient and accessible format which could lead the way in future-food innovation.

French family company Mondial Uberti have developed a new superfood breakfast powder range which they are looking to distribute in the UK: “We have three breakfast mixtures that you can sprinkle over your cereals, in smoothies and juices to provide energy and vitamins.” Joulie Michanhom, told NutritionInsight. Ingredients include maca, spirulina, and chia.

Protein energy bars are a convenient way of obtaining superfoods such as hemp. They can also be vegan-friendly, gluten free, and contain raw foodstuffs.

Constance Deseine from France-based Jimini’s told NutritionInsight: “We have the first range of all gyrated edible insects, seasoned with natural flavors.” The company state that their products are “fair for your body and the planet.” Their range of daily snack bars made with cricket flour include the superfoods goji and chia.

‘Teas’ and tonics
Hot tonics and elixirs are potent superfoods, super-herbs, and spices with powerful health benefits. Combining high quality superfood ingredients in a liquid form makes it easily digestible, and effectively absorbed. Therefore, it’s a better way to target many different areas of the body at one time.

Herbs have been a part of the Indian Ayurvedic Vedic system of medicine for thousands of years, which is one of the oldest forms of healthcare in the world, ranking side by side with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Curcumin is an active compound in the herb turmeric, an ingredient extensively used in Indian food. Curcumin is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals has many medicinal properties. Studies have proven curcumin’s ability to prevent cancer, regulate blood sugar and improve insulin receptor function.

Despite these benefits however curcumin, is not easy to consume as it is not water soluble. This explains why curcumin is not delivered in TCM, according to Sebastian Pole, co-founder of UK-based herbal tea company Pukka Herbs.

However, 'infusions' – beverages made from the infusion of herbs, spices or other plant material in hot water, usually not containing caffeine (unlike teas) – can be used to deliver super-herbs.

Earlier this month, Pukka Herbs won the Best New Drink Product award at the Natural and Organic Products 2016 Award for their Turmeric Gold tea. Due to the specific extraction methods they use to obtain their organic sources, the company state that 1 cup of their Wholistic Turmeric infusion is equal to 1 portion of fruit and vegetables.

IVs and Injections
Vitamin B12 supplements are available over-the-counter in liquid form, as well as doctor-prescribed in injection or nasal gel form. However, intravenous micronutrient therapy (IVMT) is gaining more interest in naturopathic medicine. In fact, a 2011 survey by Caulfield and Rachul published in the journal Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology observed that that IV therapies are among the most popular services advertised by naturopaths in Canada.

Many explanations from providers as to why intravenous injections are superior to dietary sources are available, from food sensitivities and “intolerance”, to greater demand by the body in times of disease or recovery.

People with fast-paced, frenetic lives, such as celebrities are looking to intravenous vitamins. Advocates claim vitamin injections can benefit serious conditions like cancer, Parkinson’s disease, macular degeneration, fibromyalgia, depression, and that modern-day obsession, “detoxification”. But vitamin infusions aren’t just for the ill, as they’re also touted as helpful for preventing illness, too.

The "Myers cocktail", is a nutrient cocktail invented by Baltimore physician from, Maryland. It contains B complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12), vitamin C, magnesium and calcium. Anecdotal claims state benefits of its use for conditions that include asthma, migraine, fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, cardiovascular disease, upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, urticaria, narcotic withdrawal, athletic performance and hyperthyroidism.

Instead of sprinkling or injecting your superfoods, how about inhaling them? This month Inhale Health, a biotech company based in Beverly Hills, USA, announced the release of VitaminVapor, a lab verified inhalable multivitamin that delivers four essential B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) directly to the bloodstream through a nutrient-rich vapor that is inhaled.

“Why not inhale health? It¹s an efficient and innovative way to get more itamin absorption than that delivered by pills.” Founder and CEO Daniel Wolf told NutritionInsight.

"Inhalation is a direct pathway to the bloodstream. At Inhale Health, we create products that provide rapid micronutrient uptake through inhalation. VitaminVapor is a B-Complex multivitamin that is inhaled.”

The innovative method was engineered to deliver a higher absorption rate than the low absorption levels of vitamin uptake from oral supplements in pill form as noted by the National Institute of Health. Consisting of USP pharmaceutical grade vitamins, the liquid vitamin formula is transitioned to a nutrient-rich vapor by a proprietary technology and then inhaled into the respiratory system.

The four B vitamins were chosen for their synergistic impact. Vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 work in tandem to support the immune system, metabolism and natural cellular processes. Vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 increase natural energy production and support brain function.

"Right now all of the inhalable products we have as a society force people to inhale toxins. This is entirely unnecessary; inhalation can be used to administer positive substances. In the future humanity will inhale things that accelerate health. At Inhale Health, we are building that future,” said Wolf.

The vitamins are suspended in an organic base of vegetable glycerin and the formula does not contain nicotine or other additives. It’s impossible to ingest too many vitamins from VitaminVapor since the four vitamins are water-soluble and have no daily maximums.

"Our preliminary clinical trials proved rapid vitamin uptake through inhalation. We've proved B12 absorption through inhalation is more efficient than conventionally administered oral supplements. We have just begun to scratch the surface,” said Mario Danek, Director of Biomedical Development and co-Founder.

As technology and knowledge develops, so will the ways that we get our nutrients. Companies are utilizing novel microencapsulation and liposome technologies, and superfood products are available in both powder formats and aqueous solutions for increased flexibility in ingredient applications and stand-alone products.

by Kerina Tull
Source: Nutrition Horizon

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