Teijin Develops World’s First Surface-based Authentication Beacon

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Overig advies 25/05/2015 09:52
Tokyo, Japan, May 25, 2015 --- Teijin Limited announced today that it has co-developed with TAGCAST, Inc. , an entrepreneurial venture specializing in Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies, the world’s first network-connected authentication sheet, PaperBeacon, upon which users will soon simply lay down their smartphones or tablets to share documents at meeting, pay check at restaurants and much more. Marketing begins June 1.
Teijin designs and produces PaperBeacon and TAGCAST will handle sales and maintenance. They expect to deliver 10,000 units of PaperBeacon within the current fiscal year ending in March 2016.

PaperBeacon is the latest application for CELL FORM, a two-dimensional communication sheet that confines electromagnetic waves to a cell within and around a special thin, flat sheet. It incorporates the @CELL data communication technology developed by CELLCROSS Co., Ltd. , a spin-off venture company from the University of Tokyo, and specialized materials and manufacturing know-how developed by Teijin.

A beacon is a wireless terminal that sends individual signals to identify IDs or positioning information using Bluetooth Low Energy (LE). When a mobile device’s application receives the signal, it detects the beacon’s positioning information. PaperBeacon combines CELL FORM and TAGCAST’s beacon technology, called TAGCAST, which receives three-dimensional beacon signals and propagates them on two-dimensional surfaces. Using Bluetooth LE, PaperBeacon can be deployed as Near Field Communication (NFC) in various devices, including IC product tags in distribution systems, as well as surface-based authentication applications such as PaperBeacon.

PaperBeacon can identify particular points, such as individual tables and chairs in a large meeting room, allowing, for example, a person in a conference to lay a device on a PaperBeacon-equipped table to share documents with specified individuals connected to the same network. At a restaurant, the customer would simply put their device on the table to process the bill for that table. In schools, PaperBeacon would enable teachers to take attendance, check homework, assess each student’s progress and send them appropriate homework.

Teijin is developing CELL FORM applications for the surface-based communication of radio waves, expanded wireless LAN applications and Recopick radio-frequency identification device (RFID) information management systems. Teijin expects CELL FORM applications, including PaperBeacon, to generate sales revenue worth 2 billion JPY by 2019.

Beacons can be used as tools for a huge market expected to worth 50 trillion JPY someday. The market will focus on online-to-offline (O2O) marketing methods that lead online consumers to actual stores through word-of-mouth and identify frequencies of visits, and provide incentive-based coupons or shopping points to consumers via their mobile devices.

Drie jaar geleden vroegen wij in de ACA van CSM het huidige Corbion, is Teijin klant van U?
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Dus ja, want anders had het antwoord wel "neen" geweest.

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