Jim Sinclair: goud wordt binnenkort de vriend van de manipulators

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Overig advies 14/06/2013 14:46
Jim Sinclair verstuurde deze week een email alert waarin hij stelt dat de grote banken binnenkort de beste vrienden worden van goud. De bankster haaien keren zich dan tegen de opperhaai, de Federal Reserve. Goud wordt de vriend van de manipulators en de vijand van de US Dollar. De banksters voelen de zwakte aan bij de politiek en zien dat de Federal Reserve de controle aan het verliezen is. Dit zal leiden tot oorlog op de financiƫle markten.

Scorn if it pleases you, but know this. Gold is soon to become the friend of the market manipulators, and then the enemy of the dollar. They sense political weakness, and see loss of control amongst their masters. More than 50 years of doing nothing but this every day of my life tells me so.

Some say, why respect the enemy? The answer is that soon these enemies will be the sharks that eat the sharks, becoming your market friend.

This is outright war called finance.

Some say never oppose the Federal Reserve. These sharks know no force they will fail to test and turn on if weakness is shown.

Bernanke wished to exit before this coming reality. The problem with my dear extended family is too much mind, and too little soul.

Prepare yourselves to soon witness a positive change in the affairs of this war for freedom.


door R. Hendrickx

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