Legal proceedings initiated against RoodMicrotec GmbH regarding the perpetual bond issued in 2010

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Overig advies 21/02/2022 18:21
Deventer, February 21, 2022 – RoodMicrotec N.V., a leading independent company for semiconductors supply and quality services, announces that it has been informed by Prime Capital Debt SCS, SICAV-FIS – Robus Recovery Sub-Fund ("Robus") that Robus has initiated legal proceedings before the Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main (Landgericht Frankfurt am Main) against its wholly owned subsidiary RoodMicrotec GmbH.

Robus is the holder of the perpetual bond (Genussscheine) of EUR 1,994k that RoodMicrotec GmbH issued in 2010. Robus claims that it is entitled to an 11.7% compensation payment in relation to 2017, 2018 and H1-2021. In addition, alleging non-compliance by RoodMicrotec GmbH of the terms and conditions of the perpetual bond, Robus claims the repayment of the nominal amount of the perpetual bond asserting the extraordinary termination of the perpetual bond. RoodMicrotec GmbH has been informed by Robus that the total amount claimed in the proceedings amounts to EUR 2,568k to be increased with 11.7% interest for the applicable period.

RoodMicrotec GmbH contests all allegations and claims, and denies that any compensation payments are due on the perpetual bond or that any grounds for extraordinary termination of the perpetual bond exist. Accordingly, RoodMicrotec GmbH will ask the court to reject Robus' claim.

As announced on February 18, 2022, RoodMicrotec GmbH reached a full and final settlement of the 2012 perpetual bond with a nominal value of EUR 500k also held by Robus. RoodMicrotec GmbH shall pay Robus a total settlement amount of EUR 400k nominal, without any interest, in two equal nominal instalments of EUR 200k each by February 28, 2022 and June 30, 2022. This final settlement was reached before and confirmed by the Regional Court of Hamburg.

RoodMicrotec N.V. will keep its shareholders and other stakeholders informed of significant developments and will issue additional statements if and when appropriate.

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