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Overig advies 20/08/2015 07:46

Key developments:
Revenue in H1 2015 up 7% at € 34.6 million, mainly attributable to the acquisition of Strypes Bulgaria
H1 2015 EBITDA improved to € 3.2 million; 9.2% of revenue (H1 2014: € 2.4 million, 7.5% of revenue)
Acquisition of Strypes Bulgaria completed on 6 January 2015. Intensive collaboration between ICT Netherlands and Strypes Bulgaria bears fruit.
Price Purchase Allocation on Strypes completed, intangibles identified and valued, resulting in period amortization of € 0.9 million in H1 2015
Letter of intent signed end of June to acquire industrial systems integrator RASTER
Key figures (*)

(in millions of €)
H1 2015 H1 2014 Change
Revenue 34.6 32.4 6.8%
Revenue Added Value 31.8 29.2 8.9%
EBITDA from continuing operations 3.2 2.4 33.3%
Amortization / depreciation 1.1 0.2
Operating result from continuing operations 2.1 2.3
Net profit from continuing operations 1.5 1.7
Result after taxes from discontinued operations - -0.7
Net profit 1.5 0.9

(in €)
Earnings per share (**) 0.17 0.11

(*) In 2014, in conformity with IFRS 5, ICT Germany classified as “Discontinued operations” following the decision to divest the operations and is presented as a separate line item in the income statement, being the total loss post tax of the German operations for the period as ‘result from discontinued operations’.

(**) Based on the average number of outstanding ordinary shares.

Jos Blejie, CEO of ICT Automatisering N.V.: “In the first six months of this year, our focus has been on the execution of our strategy. The acquisition of near-shore company Strypes in Bulgaria is an important step in this execution. It provides us access to lower-cost quality solutions based on rapid development techniques, and a competitive edge in today’s market. Intensive collaboration between The Netherlands and Bulgaria is showing good results. The intended acquisition of RASTER that we announced end of June this year, will substantially enrich our Industrial Automation activities and will further improve ICT’s position as a total solutions provider and open up new markets and customers. These actions support us in creating a stable platform from which we can further roll out our strategy and can grow our business sustainable. Although in the first half of 2015 ICT Netherlands was confronted with a slowdown in demand in the markets served by industrial automation, we do envisage a recovery of demand in the second half of 2015.”

The company will continue its strategy of offering innovative effective product/market solutions, enriched with state-of-the-art technology. Each unit offers market specific solutions in which ICT has a high level of expertise, which allows the company to offer its clients greater added value. This puts ICT in a position to execute projects for its clients independently, making use of the specialist expertise and experience it has gained from previous assignments for its clients. As a result, ICT is able to realise innovative solutions for its clients that are also both repeatable and scalable. The acquisition of new business and the development of new emerging markets are key focus areas of ICT’s strategy.

Acquisition of Strypes Bulgaria
On 6 January 2015, ICT acquired 100% of the shares of Strypes Bulgaria. Strypes Bulgaria is a specialist in embedded software development based on modern agile methodologies. The total purchase price of the acquired shares, including the earn-out amounts to € 5.4 million. Goodwill resulting from the transaction amounts to approximately € 1.4 million (after the implementation of the Purchase Price Allocation).
Acquisition of remaining shares Improve Quality Services
According to the original contract the remaining 10% of the shares of Improve was acquired on 1 January 2015.

Letter of Intent signed to acquire RASTER
End of June 2015, ICT signed a letter of intent to acquire 100% of the shares of Raster Holding BV (RASTER), a Dutch based system integrator. The intended acquisition marks a significant step in the growth strategy of ICT. RASTER operates in the domain of industrial automation and more specifically in the area of industrial process automation, production automation, software development and consultancy.

Segmentation (IFRS 8)
The acquisition of new business and the development of new emerging markets are key focus areas of ICT’s strategy, which resulted in a new organizational structure that came into effect in Q1 2015.
Therefore ICT decided to change the management control of the company. ICT reassessed how to apply IFRS 8 with respect to segment disclosure in its financial statements. In the past the breakdown of cash-generating units (CGU(s)) was aligned with the segmentation of ICT. This alignment is also reassessed.
Taking into account how management manages and monitors ICT NL’s business units, future impairment testing will take place at (total) ICT NL level, resulting in partial aggregation of CGU levels as from 2015, in line with the organizational changes and in line with IFRS requirements.

Financial developments H1 2015
ICT’s revenue in the first half of 2015 was € 34.6 million compared to € 32.4 million in the first half of 2014. This increase was mainly attributable to the acquisition of Strypes Bulgaria (ICT Nearshoring BV) which realised € 2.5 million of revenue.

ICT Netherlands is confronted with postponement of projects and realised revenues of € 30.1 million compared with € 30.7 million in the first half of 2014. As a result of these postponements ICT realised lower licences and materials sales than in the first half of 2014. In the industrial markets we were also confronted with lower than expected secondment demand from customers.
Intensive collaboration between ICT Netherlands and Strypes Bulgaria resulted in additional growth in Bulgaria from 54 fte on acquisition date up to 85 fte per 30 June 2015. This growth is mainly attributable to the acquisition of new customers.
In the segment other both Improve Quality Services and ICT Poland realised revenue growth due to business generated at new customers. Improve Quality Services realised revenue growth of around 15 % (H1 2015: € 1.9 million / H1 2014 € 1.6 million). ICT Poland is working closely together with ICT Netherlands in the Automotive markets.
The realised EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, amortization and depreciation) amounted to € 3.2 million in the first half of 2015, compared with € 2.4 million in the same period of 2014. Strypes Bulgaria contributed to this improvement with a realised EBITDA of € 0.7 million. Improve Quality Services and ICT Poland also contributed to this improvement with € 0.3 million. The improvement was partly off-set by lower than expected results in the Netherlands due to postponement of projects and transferred activities to Bulgaria.
The Acquisition of Strypes Bulgaria was completed on 6 January this year. In compliance with IFRS 3, as a result of a Preliminary Purchase Price Allocation, order backlog and customer relations have been valued. As a result the total amortization amounts to € 0.9 million in the first half of 2015 (€ 0.543
million one off on backlog and € 0.325 million on customer relations). Customer relations have been valued at € 3.3 million to be amortized over a period of 5 years as from acquisition date. The amortization on customer relations amounts of € 0.6 million a year.
The operating result from continuing ordinary operations in the first half of 2015 amounted to € 2.1 million (H1 2014 € 2.3 million). The acquisition of Strypes positively impacted the operating margin (€ 0.7 million). The amortization on Strypes Bulgaria as described above (€ 0.9 million) had a negative impact. The costs related to the consideration of strategic options, including the due diligence and transaction costs for Strypes and Raster, amounted to € 0.3 million (H1 2014: € 0.3 million).
Taxes in the first half of 2015 amounted to € 0.4 million compared with € 0.6 million in the first half of 2014. Net profit was € 1.5 million, compared with a profit of € 0.9 million in the first half of 2014.
The balance sheet total decreased from € 49.4 million at year-end 2014 to € 49.1 million at 30 June 2015 mainly as a result of the net effect of dividend paid of € 2 million and net profit of € 1.5 million realized in the first half of 2015. The net cash flow from continuing operations amounted to € 0.8 million negative in the first half of 2015 (H1 2014: € 0.4 million negative) as a result of a relatively high amount of creditors on the balance sheet per year end 2014, to be paid in the first half of 2015. The cash position per 30 June 2015 decreased to € 4.1 million (June 30, 2014: € 7.5 million). This was mainly due to the payment of the acquisition price for Strypes Bulgaria and dividend paid.
Composition of the Supervisory Board
The term of the Chairman, Mr. Van der Raadt and member Mr. Fröschl expired in May 2015. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders reappointed Mr. Van der Raadt and Mr. Fröschl for an additional four-year term on 13 May 2015.

ICT continues to execute its strategy offering innovative and effective product/market solutions, enriched with state-of-the-art technology, combining autonomous growth with growth through acquisitions. Barring unforeseen circumstances, ICT expects for the full year 2015 an improvement in EBITDA (operating profit before depreciation and amortization from continuing operations) between 25%-35% compared to 2014.
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tijd 09.06
De Smallcap 773,47 -4,72 -0,61% ICT EUR 6,80 +4ct vol. 501

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