Grontmij announces new top management structure

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Overig advies 12/06/2013 08:28
De Bilt, 12 June 2013 - Grontmij today announces a new management structure to further strengthen decision making at the top of the organisation as well as execution of the 'Back on Track' strategy. Key element of the new structure is an Executive Committee, chaired by the CEO, with responsibility for implementing Grontmij's 'Back on Track' strategy and steering the management of the country organisations.

High on the agenda of the Executive Committee is the further development of the five Group Growth Segments and specific group wide programs such as Operational Excellence, People strategy, Client First and IT. The new structure facilitates an even closer connection between the Executive Board and the business, fits with the strategic goals and is geared to a stronger and more decisive Grontmij.

Starting today, the Executive Committee of Grontmij has six members: two members of the Executive Board and four country managing directors. Next to Michiel Jaski (CEO) and Frits Vervoort (CFO), the Executive Committee consists of Ina Brandes (Germany), John Chubb (United Kingdom), Ton de Jong (the Netherlands) and Søren Larsen (Denmark). These latter four members keep their current roles as country managing directors and take on additional responsibilities at Group level.

Gert Dral, who has served the company for more than 37 years, will as a consequence of the above mentioned new management structure step down as member of the Executive Board as per 15 June 2013. To hand over his tasks and responsibilities he will stay with the Company until 31 December 2013. The Supervisory Board and Executive Board are grateful for Gert Dral's dedication to the company over the past 37 years. Following the departure of Gert Dral the Executive Board will consist of Michiel Jaski (CEO) and Frits Vervoort (CFO).

Says Michiel Jaski: 'We have made strong progress on delivery of our 'Back on Track' strategy. The new management structure is another step in realizing our long term targets as we will be able to better monitor and steer business performance in the operating companies addressing the challenging market circumstances. The development of our Group Growth Segments, an important pillar of our 'Back on Track' strategy, as well as the improvement of our operational excellence will clearly benefit from the new management structure.'

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