Jetix Europe announces results for the six months ended March 31,2006

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Overig advies 08/06/2006 09:09
Financial results published under IFRS and in Euros
· Revenues[1] up by 21%[2] to Eur84.5[3] million
· EBITDA[4] increased by 32% to Eur35.4 million
· Operating profit up by 115% to Eur12.6 million
· Net profit attributable to shareholders increased by 5% to Eur10.3 million
· Diluted earnings per share marginally up at 12.2 cents per share
· Channel subscribers grew by 3.0 million to 44.8 million households
· Operating cash flow up by 43% to Eur16.3 million

For the whole press release use the link below

· Financial position strong with Eur123.4 million cash balances and no debt

1]Throughout this release, revenues exclude our share of non-consolidated joint ventures. In order to facilitate comparison with our prior releases, revenue including our share of non-consolidated joint ventures was Eur87.3 million, compared to Eur71.9 million in the six months ending March 31, 2005.

[2] All comparisons and percentage changes are stated versus the six months ended March 31, 2005; except channel subscribers stated versus September 30, 2005.

[3]2005 comparatives are presented for the first time under IFRS as set out in note 5.

[4] Consistent with prior years, EBITDA is stated before amortisation, impairment and depreciation. EBITDA less amortisation, impairment and depreciation is equal to operating profit.

Bergweg 50, 1217 SC Hilversum, The Netherlands.

PO Box 901, 1200 AX Hilversum, The Netherlands.

Official Seat: Rotterdam. Trade Register Number: 32076694.

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