Fox Kids Europe N.V. announces strong increase in revenues and profits for the six months ended March 31, 2004

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Overig advies 10/06/2004 08:36
Total revenues grow by 17% to $87.4 million

Advertising revenues up 53% to $24.3 million

Decline in programme distribution revenues less than expected
EBITDA up by 18% to $35.4 million
Operating income up by 181% to $9.1 million

Operating cashflow up by 268% to $18.6 million

Channel subscribers grow to 37.2 million households

Fox Kids Europe N.V. to change its name to Jetix Europe N.V.
1) Consistent with prior years, EBITDA is stated before programme amortisation, impairment and depreciation. EBITDA less programme amortisation, impairment and depreciation is equal to Operating Income.

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