Press Statement Versatel regarding its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

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Overig advies 22/06/2006 08:11
Amsterdam, June 22, 2006. Versatel Telecom International N.V. announces that its shareholders approved all resolutions proposed to the general meeting held on June 21, 2006.
During the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held in Amsterdam yesterday, Versatel, amongst others, requested its shareholders to adopt its annual accounts, to discharge from liability the Board of Management for the financial year 2005, to appoint the auditor for the financial year 2006 and to adopt amendments to the remuneration policy of the Board of Management. Furthermore, Versatel asked the general meeting for delegation of the authority to issue shares to the Board of Management under prior approval of the Board of Supervisory Directors and for authorization to acquire shares in the capital of the company. The shareholders approved all resolutions proposed to the general meeting.
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