Getronics’ Future-Ready Workspace: redefining workforce productivity

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Overig advies 07/11/2006 17:59
Getronics today introduced its innovative, modular Future-Ready Workspace
solution developed specifically to empower people to work more productively.
The Future-Ready Workspace is the result of Getronics’ more than thirty years’
of experience in delivering quality solutions in workspace and applications
services for many of the global Fortune 500 companies.

The Getronics Future-Ready Workspace provides:
User-centric service
• End-user is key, not the technology
• One size does not fit all – individual users can have different profiles
• Functionality is driven from user’s perspective
Clear governance
• ICT infrastructure becomes a utility
• Product selection is based on best practice
• Microsoft by default
Guaranteed evolution path
• Drive innovation and transformation
• Future-Ready through modular approach
• Architecture release management
The Future-Ready Workspace is all about design, transition and migration
resulting in controlled change, with Managed Services for ongoing support and
architecture development for continuous improvement.
The core components include support services for print, e-mail, Office, security,
Internet and file management. The pre-integrated modules are ‘plug and play’
extensions of the core offering and include Mobile Executive, Managed LAN and
Managed IPT. Next to these more standardised modules, Getronics also enables
the integration of customised and more client-specific modules.

Innovative modular architecture
The Getronics Future-Ready Workspace brings together market-proven solutions
in an innovative modular architecture in order to provide a secure, flexible and
reliable mobile workspace – including connectivity, applications, infrastructure,
and support. Built on industry standards, the Future-Ready Workspace
continually evolves to meet the changing needs and goals of business. And
organisations no longer need to worry about sorting out upgrades for their
systems, as innovations and upgrades are provided as and when required.
Best-of-breed approach – the right services at the best price
Individual people – like the organisations they work for – have different and
changing requirements. For this reason, the Future-Ready Workspace has been
constructed using a modular architecture so that it can be easily extended and
enriched with additional services and support capabilities to meet specific
business requirements. The Future-Ready Workspace is fully aligned with
business objectives and Getronics’ vendor agnostic, ‘best-of-breed’ approach
ensures that businesses get the right services at the best price.
Complete cost transparency, operational savings up to 30%
Not only does the Future-Ready Workspace provide complete transparency into
ICT costs, but it also delivers operational savings of up to 30% – savings that
can be reinvested into optimising business performance. Getronics takes
complete responsibility for the design, transition and ongoing support of the
Future-Ready Workspace, creating a ‘new way to outsourcing’. The Future-Ready
Workspace is a fully scalable service suitable for both medium-sized businesses
and also for large multinational organisations (from 1,500 to 150,000
People are ‘the drivers of productivity and innovation’
‘The next generation of workers has grown up in an interactive age, an age of
wireless connectivity and of rapid technological change,’ commented Klaas
Wagenaar, CEO of Getronics. ‘These workers are already entering the workforce
today and it is these people who will be the drivers of productivity and
innovation for business – but only if they have the right tools. The Future-Ready
Workspace enables workforce productivity now and in the future.’

‘User-centric approach’
‘Getronics’ user-centric approach to the workspace helps set a clear and credible
roadmap for enabling workforce productivity through information technology,’
said Kirill Tatarinov, corporate vice president, Windows Enterprise Management,
Microsoft. ‘One of Microsoft’s key initiatives is dedicated to empowering peopleready
businesses by helping IT professionals manage complexity and achieve
agility within their IT environments. Getronics’ Future-Ready Workspace also
fosters these capabilities while helping companies reduce the total cost of
ownership of their IT resources, and ultimately aides them in more quickly
realising a return on their investments.’
Driving cost and complexity out of IT infrastructure
The Getronics Future-Ready Workspace drives costs and complexity out of the
client’s IT infrastructure, decreases security vulnerability and risk, and enables
their mobile workforce.
‘State-of-the art technology’
Samas, a multinational office furnishing business, is an early adopter of the
Getronics Future-Ready Workspace and is already convinced of the benefits of its
1,600 Getronics workspaces for its employees. Wouter Hasekamp, European IT
Director at Samas explained: ‘The Getronics Future-Ready Workspace was
exactly what we were looking for. It enables us to react quickly and flexibly to
change. All of our employees now have access to the same desktop environment
operating state-of-the-art technology. In addition, the complete openness of
Getronics’ solution appealed to us. There is no question of a black box.’
Enabling more than two million people to achieve their goals
Getronics today is one of the top five Workspace Services companies in the
world, providing services in many different sectors, including government,
manufacturing, health, and financial services. Getronics services and operations are fully aligned with the world’s most respected standards and frameworks. Its processes are based on the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) service management
framework, and its organisations are ISO-certified and leverage Six Sigma for
continuous improvement. Getronics supports its clients around the world through
its integrated network of Global Service Centres and Data Centres, providing
them with robust, efficient and cost-effective services. Getronics manages 4.5
million IT assets and approximately 12 million helpdesk calls per year, enabling more than two million people globally to achieve their goals. Getronics is presently rolling out the Future-Ready Workspace for the more than 25,000 users within its own organisation.

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