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Overig advies 01/03/2007 08:07
Financial highlights
Total revenue generated by the Company was €2,627 million in 2006 (2005: €2,525 million) excluding revenue from discontinued operations France and Italy;
Getronics' total organic revenue growth on a comparable basis[1] is 0.8% in 2006;
Service revenue increased by 7% tot €2,280 million. Organic service revenue growth on a comparable basis was 2.3% in 2006;
Service revenue as a percentage of total revenue increased to 86.8% in 2006 compared to 84.0% in the previous year;
EBITAE from continuing operations was €117 million (2005: €143 million), resulting in an EBITAE margin of 4.5% (2005: 5.7%), and included €38 million of employee benefit plan related gains, including €15 million in curtailment gains of which €6 million resulted from aligning long-term benefit plans in the Netherlands as part of the integration of PinkRoccade;
The operating result was €23 million (2005: €99 million), including €65 million impairment of goodwill, €21 million acquisition integration expenses, and €16 million amortisation of acquired intangible assets;
Net result from continuing operations amounted to €-54 million (2005: €60 million) including €63 million of net financial expenses and €14 million in income tax expense;
Net result from total operations amounted to €-145 million, including €91 million loss from discontinued operations;
Earnings per ordinary share from continuing operations was €-0.44 (2005: €0.54);
Operating cash flow from continuing operations amounted to €51 million (2005: €-5 million); and
Net borrowings amounted to €285 million (2005: €157 million).
[1] Service revenue on a comparable basis: comparable service revenue for 2005 and 2006 as if Getronics and PinkRoccade were combined as of 1 January 2005, instead of 14 March 2005.

Het management werkt naar een onderliggende marge van 4-4,5% en verwacht in 2007 een nettowinst te boeken. Voor 2008 handhaaft Getronics de doelstelling van een EBITAE-marge van ten minste 5%.

Het verlies is het gevolg van een afwaardering van EUR 65 miljoen op de activiteiten in de VS, Belgie en het VK en een verlies van EUR 91 miljoen uit niet-voortgezette activiteiten. Exclusief de afschrijving zou het resultaat uit voortgezette activiteiten zijn uitgekomen op EUR 11 miljoen.

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