Corus Group PLC splitsing 5 naar 1

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Overig advies 12/05/2006 18:10
1 for 5 Share Consolidation.
Application has been made for 891,346,985 Ordinary shares of 50p to be admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to be admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange. Application has also been made for a further 28,909,307 Ordinary shares of 50p to be block listed. The block listings consist of 1,779,093 shares under the Executive Share Option Scheme, 272,205 shares under the Corus Sharesave Scheme, 19,910,492 under the merger of British Steel plc and Koninklijke Hoogovens NV, 3,001,952 under the Corus Employee Share Ownership Plan and 3,945,565 under the Leveraged Equity Acquisition Plan. It is expected that dealings in the new shares are expected to commence on 15 May 2006.

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