Merger Update - Amendment Corus London

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Overig advies 10/09/2004 16:38
The following replaces the merger update announcement released today at 11:00 under RNS number 8254C. The company name should be Corus Group Plc and it is the UK hot-rolled steel sheet piling business and not as previously stated. All other details remain unchanged. The full announcement appears below:

Merger Reference:
The OFT has decided, on the information currently available to it, to refer the following merger to the Competition Commission under the provisions of the Enterprise Act 2002:

Completed acquisition by Arcelor SA of Corus Group Plc’s UK hot-rolled steel sheet piling business

The text of this decision will be placed on the Office of Fair Trading’s web site at and will also appear in the Office’s Weekly Gazette and Competition Bulletin as soon as is reasonably practicable

Company Office of Fair Trading
Headline Merger Update - Amendment
Released 12:50 10-Sep-04
Number 8351C

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