Beleggers in Noord Amerika weten over J.P. Morgan niet alles.

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Dag advies 26/12/2010 06:54
Wij kwamen vanuit ons netwerk het volgende tegen.
In Noord-Amerika is het nieuws over JP Morgan niet bijzonder bekend t.w.
SINGAPORE Dec 6 (Reuters) - Investment bank JP Morgan Chase holds between 50 and 80 percent of the 350,000 tonnes of copper held in London Metal Exchange warehouses, the UK's Telegraph newspaper reported, citing a source close to the situation. The report said that the amount was closer to the "lower portion of the between 50%/80% range" disclosed by the LME.
A JP Morgan official declined to comment.
Blythe Masters
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Futures market
Gold Bugs
In the latest example that virtually every conspiracy theory is almost always inevitably proven to be fact, the Financial Times reports that JP Morgan, the firm targeted by thousands of "tin foil hat" wearing, conspiratorially-oriented "gold bugs", has cut back on its US silver futures. "JPMorgan has quietly reduced a large position in the US silver futures market which had been at the centre of a controversy about its impact on global prices for the precious metal." And in what can only be considered an unprecedented victory for all those who have over the past year agitated to putting JP Morgan out of business, most recently spearheded by the likes of Mike Krieger and Max Keiser, by forcing a massive short squeeze on its commodities trading desk, we learn that "the decision by JPMorgan was an attempt to deflect public criticism of the bank’s dealings in silver, a person familiar with the matter said. The person added that the bank’s position in silver would from now on be “materially smaller” than in the past." Of course, the latter is pure and total bullshit: as Bart Chilton indicated over the weekend, it is JP Morgan who at one point or another (and possibly very recently) controlled as much as 40% of the silver market, via a massive short. Attempting to make others believe that this short could be covered without pushing the price of the silver metal to over $100/ounce is an indication of either how stupid JPM believes the general population to be, or just how desperate the firm is to end the ongoing short squeeze onslaught. Either way, we are confident that this first unprecedented confirmation that a) JPM is indeed massively short silver and b) that it is hurting bad, will merely redouble efforts to put the world's biggest financial company out of business. Lastly, this means that silver is about to really blast off as the push to really hurt JPM takes off in earnest.

Waarom worden daar niet alle berichten in de media (lees financiële bladen) meegenomen?
Dat vragen wij ons af.

Nederlandse Staat bevestigt schriftelijk tegenvorderingen tegen Ageas in verband met de Mandatory Convertible Securities. Lees elders meer

De agenda voor deze week

maandag 27 dec.
Australië - Sydney Stock Exchange gesloten
Canada - Toronto Stock Exchange gesloten
Nieuw-Zeeland - Wellington Stock Exchange gesloten
Verenigd Koninkrijk - London Stock Exchange gesloten
D'Ieteren Stock Split: 10 voor 1, D'Ieteren

dinsdag 28 dec.
Weer veel beurzen gesloten

woensdag 29 dec.
geen ontv.

donderdag 30 dec.
geen ontv.

vrijdag 31 dec.
Nederland - Einde notering, Volta Finance Stock (NL0009539063), Euronext Amsterdam.
Montea Buitengewone Algemene verg. v. Aandeelhouders.

CAIRO (Reuters) - The global economy can withstand an oil price of $100 (64.75 pounds) a barrel, Kuwait's oil minister said on Saturday, as other exporters indicated OPEC may decide against increasing output through 2011 as the market was well supplied.

Reuters) - Egypt's gross domestic product is expected to grow by about 5.8 to 6.0 percent in the fiscal year to end-June 2011, the ruling National Democratic Party said in a statement on Saturday. The government had been predicting growth of 6 percent during the year. Its economy grew by around 7 percent in each of the three years before the global economic crisis. Growth then slipped to 4.7 percent in 2008-09, and was 5.1 percent in 2009-10. Egypt's financial year runs from July 1 to June 30.

De Chinese centrale bank heeft de basisrente met 25 punten verhoogd. Het is de tweede renteverhoging in twee maanden tijd.
De People's Bank of China heeft dit bekend gemaakt op haar website. Zowel de rente voor leningen op één jaar als de rente op deposito's met een looptijd van één jaar stijgen met 25 punten, respectievelijk tot 5,81% en 2,75%. De verhoging gaat in op 26 december.

De Chinese president Hu Jintao heeft zijn Zuid-Afrikaanse ambtgenoot Jacob Zuma formeel uitgenodigd om toe te treden tot de groep van opkomende economieën, de zogenaamde Bric. Tot de Bric-landen behoorden tot nu toe Brazilië, Rusland, India en China. De uitnodiging van Jintao werd gedaan namens alle deelnemende landen, die verder zullen gaan onder de noemer Brics.

'Regering nam 30 mrd gulden uit ABP'
De regering heeft in de jaren negentig tientallen miljarden uit de kas van het ambtenarenpensioenfonds ABP genomen. Dat zegt hoogleraar Jan van de Poel in het Parool.

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