Nolet declares offer for Lucas Bols unconditional

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Algemeen advies 08/02/2024 08:14
A total of 71.7% of the Shares are now available to Nolet.
Offer for Lucas Bols successful; all Offer Conditions have been satisfied.
Nolet declares the Offer for Lucas Bols unconditional.
Settlement of the Offer will take place on 13 February 2024.
Remaining Shares can be tendered during the Post-Acceptance Period, commencing on
8 February 2024 and ending on 21 February 2024.

Schiedam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 7 February 2024, Nolet and Lucas Bols are pleased to announce that, considering that all Offer Conditions have been satisfied, the Offeror declares the Offer unconditional ( doet gestand). Settlement of the Offer will take place on 13 February 2024, on which date the Consideration of EUR 18 (cum dividend) per Tendered Share will be paid. Shareholders who have not yet tendered their Shares may tender their Shares during the Post-Acceptance Period commencing on 8 February 2023 at 09:00 hours CET and ending on 21 February at 17:40 hours CET.

Carel Nolet, Chair of Nolet Group: “ We are very pleased that our offer for Lucas Bols is successful and that we are able to declare the offer unconditional today since our threshold of 70% has been exceeded. It means that we can bring two fantastic Dutch companies together under one flag. We are looking forward to working together with Huub, Frank and the employees of Lucas Bols to contribute to the further growth of their great brands. Today heralds an important milestone in the rich history of our Nolet family and Lucas Bols."

Huub van Doorne, CEO of Lucas Bols: “ We are very pleased that the offer of Nolet has been declared unconditional. Together with Nolet we will continue our journey of growing Lucas Bols and our brands in the international cocktail markets. Nolet with its own long history and family culture understands what it takes to strengthen and grow brands for the long term. We are very much looking forward to continue our journey together as a Dutch champion in the global spirits and cocktail market.”

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