Solaris Expands Leadership Team

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Algemeen advies 08/01/2025 13:32
Solaris Resources is pleased to announce the strengthening of its leadership team with the appointment of Richard Hughes as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, Patrick Chambers as Vice President Investor Relations and Ignacio Shimamoto as Vice President Finance, effective immediately. Further, the final emigration steps are complete subject to a few administerial matters.

Matthew Rowlinson, President and CEO commented, “I am delighted to welcome Richard, Patrick and Ignacio to the management team and look forward to working closely with them to execute our strategy of maximizing returns for all stakeholders. I would also like to thank the outgoing Solaris team for their service to the Company and for playing a pivotal role in establishing the Warintza project as a world-class multi-generational copper deposit. 2025 is an exciting year for the Company as the project continues de-risking activities and I look forward to keeping the market updated on the value accretive progress.”

To learn more, please see the following release:

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