Jim Rogers gives the timeline for when the worst crash of his lifetime hits, 'the signs are all there'

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Algemeen advies 03/02/2024 08:47
Watch and Listen to de video from Roger about 44 minutes.
(Kitco News) - It has been the longest time in American history without a recession, and all the signs point to the worst crash of our lifetimes coming, according to Jim Rogers, Chairman of Rogers Holdings.

“It's been the longest [period] in American history that we've gone without a recession,” Rogers told Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News. “It doesn't mean there will have to be a recession, but we always have. And I see the various signs that something is going to go wrong soon.”

Rogers is a best-selling author who is best known for co-founding the Quantum Fund and launching the Soros Fund Management with George Soros, which averaged an annual return of 20% from 1970 to 2011. see & read also moreon

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