ExxonMobil Drilling First Lithium Well in Arkansas, Aims to Be a Leading Supplier for Electric Vehicles by 2030

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Algemeen advies 14/11/2023 07:01
Advanced production approach has potential to unlock vast supplies of lithium in North America
Domestic sourcing will contribute to energy security, support manufacturing and advance U.S. climate policy objectives – with significantly fewer environmental impacts
First production targeted for 2027
Project further demonstrates ExxonMobil’s leadership in energy transition
SPRING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE: XOM) today announced plans to become a leading producer of lithium, a key component of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Work has begun for the company’s first phase of North America lithium production in southwest Arkansas, an area known to hold significant lithium deposits. The product offer will be branded as Mobil Lithium, building on the rich history of deep technical partnership between Mobil and the automotive industry.

“Lithium is essential to the energy transition, and ExxonMobil has a leading role to play in paving the way for electrification,” said Dan Ammann, president of ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions. “This landmark project applies decades of ExxonMobil expertise to unlock vast supplies of North American lithium with far
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