OYU Tolgio we are presenting our latest performance scorecard, highlighting our key performance metrics of Q3 2023.

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Algemeen advies 10/11/2023 10:42
We are excited to share a refreshed Oyu Tolgoi strategy which maps out our purpose, priorities, aspirations, and goals for the next 10 years.
Our purpose is to be a partner in our nation’s prosperity by creating a world leading, safe and sustainable copper business together through our four priorities - People, Partnership, Planet, and Profit.
Through this scorecard, we provide information on our progress in key areas such as safety, environment, procurement, employment, and social investments in line with the refreshed Oyu Tolgoi strategy.
People: Health and safety, injury frequency rate, the total number of hours provided towards education and training, as well as Oyu Tolgoi’s workforce ratio.
Partnership: Sustainable development projects in Umnugovi province, total amount of taxes, fees, and other payments paid, total in-country spend, and procurement spend in Umnugovi province.
Planet: Our water usage payment as of the third quarter of 2023, the total generated recyclable waste, projects aimed towards the environment such as the progress of the “100 million tree” programme.
Profit: Total production of copper and gold in the concentrate, information regarding the underground lateral development as of Q3 2023.
Creating Prosperity. Together.

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