Cargill in Gresik Honored with INDI 4.0 2024 Smart Factory Award by Indonesian Ministry of Industry

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Algemeen advies 16/10/2024 08:26
Gresik, Indonesia (Oct 15, 2024). Cargill has been honored with the INDI 4.0 2024 award in the Smart Factory category by the Indonesia’s Ministry of Industry. Presented by The Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, this award recognizes Cargill for successfully integrating of advanced technologies under Industry 4.0 in its cocoa processing facility in Gresik, Indonesia.

Francesca Kleemans, Managing Director, Food Solutions Southeast Asia, Cargill, said “We value the recognition for our smart manufacturing and operational excellence efforts. Advanced technical practices are central to our commitment to nourish the world in a safe, responsible, and sustainable way. At Cargill’s cocoa factory in Gresik, we use advanced technology for process automation, real-time data monitoring, and energy management with goals to optimize processes, create value-added products, and support continuous learning and skill enhancement for our team.”

INDI 4.0 (Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index) was launched by the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia on April 4, 2018, aims to assess and enhance the readiness of Indonesian industries for Industry 4.0. It focuses on improving competitiveness through better product quality, productivity, and efficiency. The initiative uses a structured framework with five pillars and 17 fields, emphasizing automation, data exchange, and smart manufacturing technologies to boost operational efficiency and productivity.[1]

[1] Kemenperin. 2018. Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index.

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