Fagron, Disclosure of notification received from AOC Pharma S.à r.l.

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Algemeen advies 09/10/2024 06:24
Pursuant to the Belgian law of 2 May 2007 regarding the disclosure of major shareholdings in listed companies, Fagron received a notification from AOC Pharma S.à r.l.

Notification by AOC Pharma S.à r.l.

On 3 October 2024, Fagron received a notification that changes took place in the chain of controlled undertakings through which the shares in Fagron NV are effectively held, be it that no notification threshold has been crossed (downwards nor upwards), and that the total number of shares held by AOC Pharma S.à r.l. has not changed.
The notification is made by a ‘parent undertaking or a controlling person’.
On 19 December 2023, AOC Pharma S.à r.l. held a total of 8,102,492 voting rights.
Based on the denominator of 73,228,904 (total number of voting rights), AOC Pharma S.à r.l. held 11.06% of the total number of voting rights on 19 December 2023.
The chain of controlled undertakings is as follows:
AOC Pharma S.à r.l. is controlled by Active Ownership Fund SICAV-FIS SCS.
Active Ownership Capital S.à r.l. is the general partner of Active Ownership Fund SICAV-FIS SCS.
On 1 October 2019, an agreement was concluded by Active Ownership Fund SICAV-FIS SCS regarding the appointment of Active Ownership Corporation S.à r.l. as AIFM (alternative investment fund manager) for Active Ownership Fund SICAV-FIS SCS. Pursuant to this agreement and appointment Active Ownership Corporation S.à r.l will exercise the voting rights with respect to shares held by Active Ownership Fund SICAV-FIS SCS.
Active Ownership Corporation S.à r.l. and Active Ownership Capital S.à r.l. are both controlled by Active Ownership Group Ltd. (Cyprus).
Active Ownership Group Ltd. (Cyprus) is jointly controlled by two shareholders, Active Ownership Advisors GmbH and Active Ownership Investments Ltd. (Cyprus).
Active Ownership Advisors GmbH is controlled by Florian Schuhbauer.
Active Ownership Investments Ltd. is controlled by Active Ownership LP (Cyprus), which is controlled by Active Ownership Management Ltd. (Cyprus), which is controlled by Klaus Röhrig.
On the date of the notification, 3 October 2024, AOC Pharma S.à r.l. directly holds 11.06% of the voting rights in Fagron NV.
The notification of Active Ownership Corporation S.à r.l. can be viewed via this link.

Further information

Karin de Jong

Chief Financial Officer


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