AuMEGA Reports 17% and 12% Copper Outcropping Samples from the Bunker Hill Project

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Algemeen advies 24/09/2024 08:37
Key Highlights

Completed limited first-pass prospecting at the eastern portion of the Bunker Hill Project.
Identified two large-scale intrusive units, including the Nitty Gritty Granite, that display several features characteristic of potential porphyry mineralisation.
Initial results from outcropping samples confirm gold and high-grade copper mineralisation.
Sample MR002477 (outcropping vein) contained 17.2% copper, 16.9 g/t silver, 0.41 g/t gold, 167 ppm bismuth and 5.37 ppm tellurium.
Sample MR002478 (outcropping vein) contained 12.4% copper, 19.1 g/t silver, 0.56 g/t gold, 1119 ppm bismuth and 9.98 ppm tellurium.
Recent assays are consistent with historic high-grade samples in the area with samples that included:
Peak copper sample of 57% copper (float sample, 2011)
Peak gold sample of 17.05 g/t gold (float sample, 1998)
Peak silver sample of 407.5 g/t silver (float sample, 1998)
Identified a large area of anomalous copper-gold-silver mineralisation with nearly a kilometre in strike.
Additional prospecting and till samples are pending assays.
High-resolution airborne survey completed over Bunker Hill and processing data underway.
see &

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