Oyu Tolgoi Successfully Hosts the “Green Future Against Desertification” Training Programme

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Algemeen advies 18/09/2024 06:59
At Oyu Tolgoi, we’re proud to support the “One Billion Trees” national campaign by committing to plant 100 million trees.

On 12th September 2024, we held the “Gobi: A Green Future Against Desertification” training programme in Umnugobi province, where we welcomed over 160 environmental specialists from four provinces. The training covered key topics like afforestation in the Gobi region, advanced irrigation technologies, soil preparation, and the collection and storage of natural plant seeds. It was a fantastic opportunity to share knowledge and experiences.

Together with experts from the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, the Forestry Agency, and local representatives, we discussed the challenges of desertification in the Gobi, exchanging solutions and recommendations. This event was all about equipping forestry specialists with the knowledge and best practices needed to protect and expand Mongolia’s forests, maintain ecological balance, and responsibly manage forest resources.

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