Endeavour Silver Provides Q4 2023 Construction Progress Update On the Terronera Mine

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Algemeen advies 14/02/2024 08:48
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Endeavour Silver Corp. (“Endeavour” or the “Company”) (NYSE: EXK; TSX: EDR) provides a Q4 2023 construction progress update for its Terronera Project in Jalisco state, Mexico. A photo gallery presentation accompanies this news release and can be found here or on the Company website at Terronera Project Progress Photos. All dollar ($) references in this news release are United States dollars.

The Terronera project has made significant construction progress to date. Concrete work is well advanced, and erection of structural steel for the grinding and flotation areas has started. In early 2024, the Company provided an Updated Initial Capital Cost (“2024 Updated Scenario”), which increased the project budget by $41 million to $271 million. This increase was primarily due to a stronger Mexican Peso, ongoing inflation and availability of bulk materials such as steel, piping and electrical supplies (see news release dated January 24, 2024). As of December 31, 2023, approximately $1201 million had been invested in direct project expenditures, with project commitments totaling $1711, 2 million or 63% of the updated budget. With an experienced and seasoned team leading the project, the Company anticipates the schedule will remain in line with previous guidance, with initial production anticipated to start in the fourth quarter of 2024. see & read more on

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