Reminder to Vote at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders & Cascabel Update

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Algemeen advies 14/12/2023 12:54
In connection with the upcoming SolGold (LSE & TSX: SOLG) Annual General Meeting ("AGM"), to be held on 20 December 2023, SolGold would like to remind all shareholders to vote on the resolutions put forth for the upcoming AGM.

For shareholders that hold their SolGold shares through a broker or other intermediary (non-registered/beneficial shareholders), a completed voting instruction form should be deposited in accordance with the instructions printed on the form. Please contact your broker or intermediary immediately for further instructions on how to vote, including through electronic means where available.

Board of Directors Recommendation

It is very important for all shareholders to vote at the upcoming AGM. Historically, the voter turnout has typically been below 75%, given the vast majority of the retail shareholders do not vote. The retail vote is very important to ensure retail shareholders are properly represented and respected.

SolGold anticipates, similar to previous years, that select shareholders may continue to vote in a manner detrimental to other shareholders. For example, at the last three AGMs, such shareholders acting adverse to other shareholders voted against resolutions related to the disapplication of pre-emption rights, which hindered the Company's flexibility with respect to financing, which historically prevented SolGold from pursuing specific strategic initiatives that would have unlocked significant value for shareholders and counter a creeping takeover.

The SolGold Board of Directors UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMEND that shareholders VOTE FOR all resolutions at the upcoming AGM as put forth in the meeting materials for shareholders.

Cascabel Update

Given the in-person format of the AGM, SolGold is pleased to provide the following update to all shareholders in advance regarding the Company's world-class Cascabel Project:

ΓΌ Phased Approach Pre-Feasibility Study Progressing Well

- Expected to be released early in the first quarter of 2024

- Phased Approach expected to demonstrate a lower risk path for Cascabel with reduced initial capital expected compared to the 2022 Cascabel PFS

see &

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