Xtra Energy Corporation Announces the First Look at the Historic Drumm Antimony Mine, Video Attached

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Algemeen advies 30/11/2023 06:09
AUSTIN, TX / ACCESSWIRE / November 29, 2023 / Xtra Energy Corp. (OTC PINK:XTPT) is delighted to announce and share the first look at the Drumm Antimony Mine with our investors. The Drumm Mine is directly adjacent to and west of our American Antimony #59 lode claim that holds our Far South Marguerite Prospect.

As described in LAWRENCE, E.F., 1963, ANTIMONY DEPOSITS OF NEVADA; NBMG BULL. 61; "The Drumm mine is on the west side of a southeast-trending side canyon, which meets Bernice Canyon 3.8 miles from the mouth of the canyon, 500 feet above the canyon floor. The mine is developed by a 22-foot adit, 40-foot crosscut, and a 95-foot inclined winze. In 1940, 28 tons of ore averaging 52 percent antimony were produced. During 1941 and 1942, 57 tons of ore containing 48.2 percent antimony were produced. The country rock is brown shale dipping 80° E. A dense, brown sill crops out below the portal of the adit. It is highly sericitized, but apparently was composed of at least 10 percent feldspar phenocrysts in a groundmass of feldspar and quartz. A 6-inch quartz vein containing numerous pods of stibnite up to 10 by 24 inches in size is exposed in the adit. One limb of the vein strikes N. 25° E. and dips 15° E.; the other limb dips 35° to the west. The winze was sunk in the westward-dipping limb of the vein. A 6-inch wide sample of the easterly dipping limb assayed a trace of gold and 0.04 ounce of silver per ton, and 16.37 percent antimony. The width of the vein varies greatly in the winze, but at the bottom a brecciated zone up to 48 inches wide has been recemented by quartz containing pods and veinlets of stibnite. In both the adit and crosscut, small pods of stibnite are disseminated through the wall rock. The stibnite has been oxidized slightly to yellow antimony oxides."
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