Silvercorp to Acquire OreCorp, Creating a Diversified, High Growth Precious Metals Company

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Algemeen advies 07/08/2023 17:16
VANCOUVER, British Columbia and Perth, Western Australia – August 6, 2023 – Silvercorp Metals Inc. (“Silvercorp”) (TSX/NYSE American: SVM) and OreCorp Limited (ASX: ORR) (“OreCorp”) are pleased to announce the signing of a binding scheme implementation deed (the “Agreement”) whereby Silvercorp will acquire all fully-paid ordinary shares of OreCorp not held by Silvercorp or its associates (the “OreCorp Shares”), pursuant to an Australian scheme of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the “Scheme”), subject to the satisfaction of various conditions.

Transaction Highlights

OreCorp shareholders to receive A$0.15 in cash and 0.0967 of a Silvercorp common share (valued at A$0.45) for each OreCorp Share held, representing total consideration with an implied value of A$0.60 per OreCorp Share.[1]
OreCorp’s Board unanimously recommends OreCorp shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme, subject to no Superior Proposal[2] emerging for OreCorp and an independent expert concluding, and continuing to conclude, that the Scheme is in the best interests of OreCorp shareholders.
Silvercorp to provide OreCorp with approximately A$28 million in funding via an equity placement (more fully described below) to immediately advance development of its Nyanzaga Gold Project in Tanzania (“Nyanzaga”), including progressing resettlement activities and early project works.
The Agreement aims to:
Create a diversified, highly profitable precious metals company with a pro forma market cap of US$630 million[3], a robust growth pipeline and exposure to a highly prospective emerging mining jurisdiction;
Provide a re-rating opportunity on the successful development of Nyanzaga, which is expected to commence commercial gold production in H2 2025; and
Enable OreCorp and Silvercorp shareholders to participate in a larger company with greater access to capital, higher liquidity, increased scale and enhanced capital markets relevance.
Silvercorp has the balance sheet strength to fund construction and aggressive exploration of Nyanzaga, as well as pursue regional M&A opportunities.
Silvercorp’s best-in-class technical team has the track record and expertise to build Nyanzaga and pursue opportunities for optimization.
Consideration mix preserves Silvercorp’s strong balance sheet, allowing funds to be deployed for development of Nyanzaga, managing risk and optimizing future opportunities.
Existing OreCorp shareholders will own 17.8% of Silvercorp’s common shares outstanding on a fully-diluted in-the-money basis following implementation of the Scheme.
The Scheme is subject to various customary closing conditions, including OreCorp shareholder approval and Court approval.
Silvercorp has agreed to use reasonable endeavours to apply for admission of Silvercorp to the official list of the Australian Securities Exchange (the “ASX”).
Proposed development of Nyanzaga by Silvercorp supported by Tanzania Government Authorities.
Nyanzaga Highlights

OreCorp holds an 84% interest in the Nyanzaga Gold Project located in the Mwanza region, Tanzania, in partnership with the Government of Tanzania. Key permits are in place to develop Nyanzaga for first gold in H2 2025. A definitive feasibility study, announced in August 2022, estimated that Nyanzaga could deliver 2.5 million ounces of gold over a 10.7 year life. [4] As reported in OreCorp’s June 2023 Quarterly Activities Report released on July 21, 2023, Nyanzaga’s post-tax net present value at a 5% discount rate is US$905 million and the internal rate of return is 32%, using a recent spot gold price of US$2,000/oz.[5]

Nyanzaga is located approximately 40 km north east of the Bulyanhulu mine, one of Barrick Gold Corporation’s two gold mines in the Lake Victoria Goldfields, which together with the North Mara mine produced approximately 547,000 ounces of gold in 2022.[6] The Geita Gold Mine, one of AngloGold Ashanti Limited’s flagship mines, located 80 km west of Nyanzaga, produced 521,000 ounces of gold in 2022.[7]

Silvercorp Chairman and CEO, Dr. Rui Feng, said:
“This transaction will create a new globally diversified precious metals producer. We believe this is a rare opportunity to leverage our technical expertise and strong balance sheet to unlock value for all shareholders by bringing Nyanzaga into commercial production by H2 2025. Under the leadership of Her Excellency, President Samia Suluhu Hassan, Tanzania is becoming an attractive place for foreign investment. We look forward to partnering with the Government of Tanzania and leveraging OreCorp’s existing team and relationships to ensure a successful development that benefits all stakeholders.”

OreCorp Managing Director and CEO, Henk Diederichs, said:

“This transaction provides our shareholders with an immediate and significant upfront premium and exposure to a geographically diverse mid-tier precious metals company. With a strong operating history, solid balance sheet and significant mine building and operational experience, Silvercorp’s management team is well-positioned to fund and advance Nyanzaga into commercial production.”

Honorable Minister of Minerals, Dr. Doto Mashaka Biteko, said:

“The Tanzanian Government is supportive of the proposed partnership between OreCorp and Silvercorp and looks forward to working together to develop Nyanzaga as a robust project delivering beneficial outcomes to the people of Tanzania and other stakeholders.”

Benefits for OreCorp Shareholders

Total implied consideration of A$0.60 per OreCorp Share (being A$0.15 in cash and 0.0967 of a Silvercorp common share valued at A$0.45), [8] representing:
a 41.7% premium to the 20-day volume weighted average price (“VWAP”) of OreCorp’s shares on the ASX for the period ending August 4, 2023;[9] and
a 31.5% premium to OreCorp’s closing share price of A$0.435 on the ASX on August 4, 2023[10].
Share consideration provides enhanced trading liquidity, re-rating potential and opportunity to participate in further upside from Nyanzaga and Silvercorp’s existing portfolio;
Significantly reduces development and operational risk at Nyanzaga by leveraging Silvercorp’s technical expertise and ESG track record;
Strong pro forma balance sheet removes immediate funding uncertainty and mitigates risk of significant dilution; and
Enhanced capital markets profile with a pro forma market cap of US$630 million[11] and listings on the TSX, NYSE and, subject to successful admission and quotation, the ASX.
Benefits for Silvercorp Shareholders

Accretive transaction on a net asset value basis;
Provides immediate geographic and metal diversification;
Addition of a largely de-risked, low-cost gold project that has key permits in place and is on track for first gold in H2 2025;
Re-rating opportunity due to enhanced scale, asset diversification, production and exploration upside as well as a foothold in an emerging, mining-friendly jurisdiction; and
Meaningfully grows Silvercorp’s mineral reserves and resources profile.
Transaction Summary

Under the terms of the Agreement, Silvercorp or a wholly owned subsidiary will, subject to the satisfaction of various conditions, acquire the OreCorp Shares by means of a court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), whereby each holder of OreCorp Shares will receive, for each OreCorp Share held, A$0.15 in cash and 0.0967 of a Silvercorp common share valued at A$0.45 for a total implied consideration of A$0.60 per OreCorp Share.[12]

The implied consideration of A$0.60 per OreCorp share represents a 41.7% premium to the 20-day VWAP of OreCorp’s shares on the ASX for the period ending August 4, 2023 and values OreCorp at approximately A$242 million on a fully-diluted-in-the-money basis. Existing OreCorp shareholders will own 17.8% of Silvercorp’s common shares outstanding on a fully-diluted in-the-money basis following implementation of the Scheme.

Concurrent with entering into the Agreement, Silvercorp and OreCorp have also entered into a placement agreement, whereby 70,411,334 new fully-paid ordinary shares of OreCorp will be issued to Silvercorp at a price of A$0.40 per OreCorp Share for aggregate proceeds of approximately A$28 million (the “Placement”). The Placement will occur in two tranches, with the first tranche (for aggregate proceeds of A$18 million) to complete on the third business day after execution of the Agreement and the second tranche (for aggregate proceeds of approximately A$10 million) to complete 10 business days thereafter. Upon completion of the Placement, Silvercorp will hold approximately 15% of the total outstanding ordinary shares of OreCorp. Proceeds from the Placement will be used to immediately commence resettlement activities as contemplated in the Relocation Action Plan, facilitating the prompt development of Nyanzaga.

Boards Approvals and Recommendations

The OreCorp Board has unanimously approved the transaction and recommends that all OreCorp shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme at the meeting of the shareholders of OreCorp (the “Scheme Meeting”), in the absence of a Superior Proposal and subject to the independent expert to be appointed by OreCorp (the “Independent Expert”) concluding (and continuing to conclude) that the Scheme is in the best interests of OreCorp shareholders. Subject to those same qualifications, each director of OreCorp intends to vote, or cause to be voted, all OreCorp Shares held or controlled by them (representing 4.6% of OreCorp’s issued shares as at the date of this announcement) in favour of the Scheme at the Scheme Meeting.[13]

The Silvercorp Board has also unanimously approved the transaction.

Key Shareholder Support

Rollason Pty Ltd (Rollason), which controls 49,136,589 OreCorp Shares (representing approximately 12.3% of the OreCorp Shares as at the date of this announcement), has provided a signed voting intention statement to OreCorp (Voting Intention Statement) indicating that Rollason intends to vote, or cause to be voted, all OreCorp Shares held or controlled by it or its associates at the time of the Scheme meeting in favour of the Scheme, in the absence of a Superior Proposal and subject to the Independent Expert concluding (and continuing to conclude) that the Scheme is in the best interests of OreCorp shareholders. Rollason has consented to OreCorp publicly announcing its voting intention.

Tanzanian Government Support
Orecorp and Silvercorp met with key Tanzanian Government stakeholders including the Treasury Registrar and the Minister of Minerals. The Government is supportive of the transaction, underpinning Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan’s mantra that Tanzania is open for international investment. The companies are looking forward to the continued support from key Government stakeholders.

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