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Algemeen advies 04/08/2023 18:19
Vancouver, B.C., July 17, 2023 – Entrée Resources Ltd. (TSX:ETG; OTCQB:ERLFF – the “Company” or “Entrée”) wishes to respond to comments made by its joint venture partner Oyu Tolgoi LLC (“OT LLC”) and Rio Tinto at an investor site visit to the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine in Mongolia on July 11, 2023. During
the Q&A session when asked about the Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi joint venture, representatives of OT LLC and Rio Tinto stated that the parties were “nearing the close of the negotiations”, and “finalizing the final touches on the definitive agreement”. The transcript of the Q&A session has been made available to the markets via Rio Tinto’s website.
As previously disclosed, Entrée has been engaged in negotiations with OT LLC and Rio Tinto to amend or restructure the joint venture agreement (“Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi JVA”) that has governed the relationship
between the parties since 2008 and transfer the Shivee Tolgoi and Javhlant mining licenses to OT LLC as contemplated in the Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi JVA. The Company believes that amending or restructuring the Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi JVA to align the interests of all stakeholders would be in the best interests of the
Company and its shareholders, provided there is no material net erosion of value to Entrée.
While the parties have made good progress, several key items still need to be resolved before any definitive agreement could be finalized or signed, including with respect to the potential acquisition by the Government of Mongolia of 34% of the Company’s economic interest in the Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi joint
venture property (“Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi JV Property”). The Minerals Law of Mongolia provides the State may share in up to 34% of the economic benefit derived from exploitation of a mineral deposit of strategic importance where proven reserves were determined through funding sources other than the
State budget. The Hugo North Extension copper-gold deposit on the Shivee Tolgoi mining license and the Heruga copper-gold-molybdenum deposit on the Javhlant mining license are mineral deposits of strategic importance.
The Company will provide further updates on negotiations as developments warrant. Any amendment to or restructuring of the Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi JVA would be subject to Toronto Stock Exchange acceptance and the requirements of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in
Special Transactions applicable to a related party transaction. There are no assurances that a definitive agreement will be signed, or if signed, that a transaction would close.

Entrée Resources Ltd. is a well-funded Canadian mining company with a unique carried joint venture interest on a significant portion of one of the world’s largest copper-gold projects – the Oyu Tolgoi project n Mongolia. Entrée has a 20% or 30% carried participating interest in the Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi joint venture, depending on the depth of mineralization. Horizon Copper Corp. and Rio Tinto are major shareholders of Entrée, beneficially holding approximately 25% and 16% of the shares of the Company, respectively.
More information about Entrée can be found at www.EntreeResourcesLtd.com

Het aandeel doet op dit moment C$ 1,35 bij een omzet van 3,774 sts.

Rio Tinto heeft per 2 aug. j.l. de warrants van de Overname Turqouise Hill omgewisseld en die gekocht van Sandstorm ook 'a C$ $ 0,60 p.sh.
Rio Tinto had al 16% in Entree Recources en vergroot haar belang dus nog meer.
En verdere ontwikkeling van die kant (Lees Rio Tinto) verwachten wij spoedig.

Daar is dan zeker een "premie te behalen" en dan vragen wij ons af, "wie verkoopt nu dan het aandeel Entree Recources op dit moment voor C$ 1,32 tot 1,40?
Op de datum 17 juli was onze vertegenwoordig al om 07.10 uur te kantore in Vancouver. Binnen 1 uur waren er ruim 100.000 sts tegen oplopende prijs gegaan en binnen 2 uur ruim 200.000 sts tegen 1,35/6.
De prijs van dit aandeel is daarna weer gedrukt naar C$ 1,25
Wij van de redactie zeggen dan ook: je mag niet meesurfen, maar waarom doen beleggers dit NU niet, wat er nog te kopen is in dit Fonds.
VEEL zit al in vaste handen. Dus wees voorzichtig met Uw order en limiteer!
Rio Tinto is/wordt dus de koper van Entree Res. en zal zeker al "middelen" hebben aangevraagd bij haar financier(s).

ga voor meer naar

komende week komt Entree Recources met cijfers. meestal rond de 8ste augustus.

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