American Manganese Reports Significant Rare Earth Values on Rocher Deboule Cu-Au-Ag Project

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Algemeen advies 01/04/2022 11:02
American Manganese receives Drill Permits for Rocher Deboule from Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation

American Manganese Inc. (“AMY” or the “Company”) reports Vent Zone IP Geophysics Identifies High Chargeability and coincident and Significant Rare Earth Values on Rocher Deboule Cu-Au-Ag Project:

The Vent Zone alteration consists of chlorite-quartz-carbonate-garnet-clay hosted in andesitic flows/tuffs (porphyritic) of Upper Cretaceous Kasalka Group Brian Boru Formation. SGH (spatiotemporal geochemical hydrocarbon) surveys carried out in 2017 resulted in redox cell (6.0 out of 6.0 rating), and copper-gold anomalous zones (5.0 out of 6.0 rating) that coincide with the redox cell anomaly. In 2021, pole-dipole array IP Geophysics on “Vent Zone” target identified elevated chargeability (>30 mV/V), which correlates with the redox-cell soil hydrocarbon anomaly. Widespread, disseminated sulphides (mostly fine grain pyrite) are present in the portions of the Vent Zone. IP survey high chargeability and coincident low resistivity on west portion of grid area are interpreted extent of Vent Zone. In the central part of the IP survey area, relatively strong chargeability and low resistivity increases at depths of approximately 100-200 meters (328-656 feet). The Vent Zone has positive Cu- Au-Ag-Co-REE soil geochemical anomalies and is interpreted as an Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) occurrence.

A total of 5 rock chip samples (ranging from 0.55-1.44 kgs in weight) were taken from outcrop (sampled intervals ranging from 15-35 centimeters) near the Rocher Mine area (proposed drilling of “Main Zone” No 4 & 3 Veins) and shipped to ALS Canada Ltd for ME-MS61r four acid multi-element ICP-MS + REE, and AuICP21 Au 30-gram Fire Assay ICP-AES finish (certificate VA 21172433). The following significant results are listed:
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Rock chip sample geochemical analysis results indicate massive and semi-massive chalcopyrite-pyrite mineralization (with minor bornite and molybdenite) contain significant rare earth elements (REE elements Ce- La-Nd-Pr are listed above). The Rocher Mine No 2 & 4 Veins are considered primarily as vein type (tabular shaped) copper resources accompanied by silver, gold and rare earth element bearing minerals. The distribution of rare earth elements (La-Ce-Sc-Y-Pr-Nd-Pm-Sm-Eu-Gd-Tb-Dy-Ho-Er-Tm-Yb-Lu) are associated with silicified fault zones that have magnetite and massive sulphide. Sulphides & REE do not correlate well. It is unclear whether rare earth bearing minerals are associated with sulphide minerals or re-distributed (re-mobilized) from earlier geological (e.g., pegmatitic phase) events, or a combination of both. Rare earth elements weakly correlate with increased P, and U/Th. Note- U values ranging between 1.1-19.7 ppm uranium and Th values ranging between 0.12-13.9 ppm thorium are well below threshold values of 100 ppm U.

The two main deposit types are observed at the Rocher Mine No 4 & 2 Veins:

EARLY FORMING POLYMETALLIC VEIN/BRECCIA: semi-massive and coarse grain (blebby) chalcopyrite with increased magnetite-REE bearing mineralization is related to elevated Cu-Au-Ag-REE in ‘polymetallic’ fissure veins/breccias developed in pegmatitic/aplitic phases of early forming intrusions.
LATE FORMING SUB-VOLCANIC VEIN/BRECCIA: massive chalcopyrite, minor bornite-tetrahedrite- arsenopyrite-sphalerite-argentiferous galena bearing mineralization is related to elevated Cu-Ag-As-Sb in ‘sub-volcanic’ fissure veins/breccias.
A drill program is planned on the Rocher Mine 2 & 4 Veins and Vent Zones for 2022.

“The BC Mineral Permit application has been laborious to complete, but is another potential catalyst for advancing the company’s agenda in critical metals, such as rare earths and copper,” said Larry Reaugh, President and CEO of American Manganese. “This does not take away any of the focus on the company’s lithium-ion battery recycling technology, RecycLiCo™.”

Andris Kikauka (P. Geo.), Director for American Manganese Inc, has prepared, reviewed, and approved technical information in this press release. Mr. Kikauka is a non-independent Qualified Person adhering to National Instrument 43-101 reporting standards.

On behalf of Management


Larry W. Reaugh
President and Chief Executive Officer

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