B2Gold Announces Updated and Significantly Increased Mineral Resource Estimate for the Anaconda Area, Located Near the Fekola Mine, Mali

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Algemeen advies 23/03/2022 12:49
VANCOUVER, BC, March 23, 2022 /CNW/ - B2Gold Corp. (TSX: BTO) (NYSE AMERICAN: BTG) (NSX: B2G) ("B2Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an updated and significantly increased Mineral Resource estimate for the Anaconda area, comprised of the Menankoto permit and the Bantako North permit, located approximately 20 kilometres from the Fekola Mine, including initial estimates for oxide Indicated Mineral Resources and sulphide Inferred Mineral Resources. Based on the updated Mineral Resource estimate and B2Gold's preliminary planning, the Company has demonstrated that an open pit situated on the Anaconda area could provide selective saprolite material (average grade of 2.2 grams per tonne ("g/t")) to be trucked to and fed into the Fekola mill commencing as early as late 2022, subject to obtaining all necessary permits and completion of a final development plan.


Updated and significantly increased Mineral Resource estimate (as at January 11, 2022) constrained within a conceptual pit shell at a gold price of US$1,800 per ounce includes an initial Indicated Mineral Resource estimate of 32,400,000 tonnes at 1.08 g/t gold for a total 1,130,000 ounces of gold, and Inferred Mineral Resource estimate of 63,700,000 tonnes at 1.12 g/t gold for 2,280,000 ounces of gold
The Mineral Resource estimate includes first time reporting of 1,130,000 ounces of Indicated Mineral Resources and an increase of 1,510,000 ounces (196% increase) of Inferred Mineral Resources since the initial Inferred Mineral Resource estimate in 2017 (21,590,000 tonnes at 1.11 g/t gold, for 767,000 ounces)
Mineral Resource estimate (as at January 11, 2022) constrained within a conceptual pit shell at a gold price of US$1,600 per ounce includes an initial Indicated Mineral Resource estimate of 30,800,000 tonnes at 1.12 g/t gold for a total 1,105,000 ounces of gold, and Inferred Mineral Resource estimate of 53,610,000 tonnes at 1.20 g/t gold for 2,075,000 ounces of gold
Ongoing drilling to infill and extend the saprolite resource area and to follow up on the sulphide mineralization at the Anaconda area, including the Mamba and Adder zones, as well as several other targets below the saprolite mineralization. The good gold grade and width combinations at the Anaconda area continue to provide a strong indication of the potential for Fekola-style south plunging bodies of sulphide mineralization, which remains open down plunge below the saprolite
US$33 million budgeted in 2022 to fund development of infrastructure for Phase I saprolite mining at the Anaconda area, including road construction.

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