BHP Foundation Ukraine donation

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Algemeen advies 11/03/2022 06:48
As the world is witness to the daily heartbreaking scenes of devastation in Ukraine, our thoughts are with all Ukrainian people, everywhere.

The BHP Foundation today announced a US$5million suite of donations to support the humanitarian needs of Ukrainians remaining in Ukraine, as well as those seeking refuge in neighboring countries to escape the shocking events unfolding in their country.

The Foundation will donate US$2million to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees’ (UNHCR) coordinated response to provide shelter, food and access to medical care for the 4 million Ukrainian refugees expected to seek refuge from the conflict in neighbouring countries in coming months.

The Foundation will also donate US$2million to the United Nations Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF) to support Ukrainian civilians remaining in Ukraine, including those living under life threatening conditions. This will enable people to access the food, clothing, medical supplies and cash transfers they need to survive.

As the global community responds in many ways to the crisis in Ukraine, maintaining functional governance and social cohesion will be critical. The Foundation will allocate a further US$1million to initiatives seeking to sustain governance and unity in the affected region in collaboration with governments and civil society organizations.

“Our hearts and thoughts are with people of Ukraine as every tragic day unfolds. We will do what we can to support Ukrainians through this time of unimaginable hardship and pain.” said James Ensor, Chief Executive BHP Foundation.

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