Turquoise Hill about the Oyu Tolgio project in Mongolie

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Algemeen advies 12/02/2022 15:33
Oyu Tolgoi website go to,
Oyu Tolgoi is one of the world’s largest new copper-gold mines and is located in the South Gobi region of Mongolia, approximately 550 km south of the capital, Ulaanbaatar, and 80 km north of the Mongolia-China border.

Oyu Tolgoi has the potential to operate for approximately 100 years from five known mineralized deposits. The first of those (the Oyut deposit) was put into production as an open-pit operation in 2013.

A second deposit, Hugo North (Lift One), is under development as an underground operation and is scheduled to begin sustainable production in 2022. The other
three deposits, Hugo North (Lift Two), Hugo South and Heruga, are not yet scheduled for development.

On October 6, 2009, Turquoise Hill Resources and Rio Tinto signed a long-term, comprehensive Investment Agreement with the Government of Mongolia for the construction and operation of the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mining complex. The agreement created a partnership between the Mongolian Government – which acquired a 34% interest in the project - and Turquoise Hill Resources, which retained a controlling 66% interest in Oyu Tolgoi. Global miner Rio Tinto, which joined Turquoise Hill Resources as a strategic partner in October 2006, began managing the development of Oyu Tolgoi in December 2010.

Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits U.S. mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We use certain terms on this website such as “measured,” “indicated,” and “inferred” “resources,” which the SEC guidelines generally prohibit U.S. registered companies from including in their filings with the SEC. U.S. investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 40-F which may be secured from us, or from the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml.

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10 sept. 2020
Rio Tinto and Turquoise Hill Resources agree funding plan for Oyu TolgoiRio Tinto currently beneficially owns 1,021,966,440 common shares of TRQ, representing approximately 50.8% of the issued and outstanding common shares of TRQ. Rio Tinto also has anti-dilution rights that permit it to acquire additional securities of TRQ so as to maintain its proportionate equity interest in TRQ from time to time. see & read more on

Also Entree Resources is doing business in the OT project in Mongolia.
Entrée Resources is a Canadian mining company that owns a unique carried joint venture interest on a significant portion of one of the world’s largest copper-gold projects – the Oyu Tolgoi project in Mongolia. The Company’s interest in the Entrée/Oyu Tolgoi joint venture has the characteristics of a royalty, with the benefits of a producer. Entrée’s strong financial position and high-quality asset provide it with a solid foundation and flexibility for growth.
go to.

and see the presentation on

In jan. 2022
- Sandstorm Gold owns about 25% of the Entree Resources shares.
Rio Tinto 9% of the Entree Resources shares.
Turquoise Hill 8% of the Entree Resources shares.

Rio Tinto, Turquoise Hill and Entree Recources are doing the Oyu Tolgio (OT project) jointly with the Mongolian Government.
Rio Tinto acts as Leader to the Mongolian Government.
The Mongolian Government actually wants to sit at the "table" with only RIO Tinto. to sit! The background is better communication and decisiveness in the OT project. Rio Tinto also supports future employees, who are currently being trained for the OT project. Approx. 95% of the employees in the OT project are Mongolians and the income also largely benefits the inhabitants of Mongolia.
We (red.) expect a buyout by Rio Tinto of Turquoise Hill and Entree Recources.

Entree Resources Yesterday Vol. 707.600
Time X Price Chg Vol Buyer Seller Markers
15:59:46 T 0.98 +0.02 1,500 1 Anonymous 7 TD Sec K
15:59:46 T 0.98 +0.02 1,500 1 Anonymous 7 TD Sec K
15:59:46 O 0.98 +0.02 1,500 1 Anonymous 13 Instinet K
Tegen het einde van de handel wordt dit fonds weer teruggezet. Opvallend!

De prijs van het aandeel Rio Tinto = AUD$ LTD $122.36 +2.86% slot prijs 11/2/2022

Turquoise Hill Yesterday vol. 268.500
Time X Price Chg Vol Buyer Seller Markers
16:00:00 T 26.15 +0.65 30 1 Anonymous 2 RBC Q
16:00:00 T 26.15 +0.65 48 88 Credential 2 RBC Q
16:00:00 T 26.15 +0.65 11 1 Anonymous 2 RBC Q

This is not buying advice, but have a consultation with your accountant manager.
red. XEA.nl

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