Sienna Significantly Expands the Blue Clay Lithium Project in the Clayton Valley of Nevada

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Algemeen advies 04/02/2022 09:32
February 4, 2022, Sienna Resources Inc. (“Sienna” or the “Company”) (SIE—TSX.v, SNNAF—USA, A1XCQ0–Germany) is pleased to announce a significant expansion of the Blue Clay Lithium Project in Clayton Valley, Nevada (See map below). This project now consists of 150 contiguous claims totaling approximately 2,950 acres prospective for lithium right in the heart of the Clayton Valley in Nevada, which is currently home to the only producing lithium region in North America.

Jason Gigliotti, President of Sienna Resources, states: “We are extremely pleased to expand our acreage substantially on the Blue Clay Lithium Project in Clayton Valley. Drilling has commenced and management is very optimistic about what this large Nevada lithium project could mean to the near and long term growth of Sienna Resources Inc. Once again, lithium prices continue to climb and are currently at all-time highs right now. Nevada has become one of the most sought after lithium addresses in the world, and Sienna is located in multiple locations in this prolific region. February is shaping up to be one of the most exciting months in the Company’s history.”

Clayton Valley Map
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About Sienna Resources Inc.

Sienna Resources is focused on exploring for and developing high-grade deposits in politically stable, environmentally responsible and ethical mining jurisdictions. Sienna is partnered with a New York Stock Exchange-listed mining company on two separate projects in Scandinavia including the past-producing Bleka and Vekselmyr orogenic gold projects in southern Norway which are both greenstone-hosted gold systems, and the Kuusamo platinum group elements (PGE) project in Finland directly bordering the LK Project being advanced by Palladium One Mining Inc. In North America, Sienna’s projects include the Marathon North platinum-palladium property in Northern Ontario directly bordering Generation Mining Ltd.’s 7.1-million-ounce palladium-equivalent Marathon deposit. Sienna also has the Clayton Valley Deep Basin Lithium Project in Clayton Valley, Nev., home to the only lithium brine basin in production in North America, in the direct vicinity of Albemarle Corp.’s Silver Peak deposit and Tesla Motors Inc.’s Gigafactory and the recently acquired Blue Clay Lithium Project in Clayton Valley Nevada. Management cautions that past results or discoveries on properties in proximity to Sienna may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the company’s properties.

This new acreage was acquired via staking.

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